Neerja Indian. Zira US English. Oliver British. Wendy British. Fred US English. Tessa South African. How to say putting-out system in sign language? Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of putting-out system in Chaldean Numerology is: 5 Pythagorean Numerology The numerical value of putting-out system in Pythagorean Numerology is: 3.
Select another language:. Please enter your email address: Subscribe. Discuss these putting-out system definitions with the community: 0 Comments. Notify me of new comments via email. Cancel Report. Create a new account. Log In. Powered by CITE. Are we missing a good definition for putting-out system? Don't keep it to yourself Submit Definition. It is also known as the cottage industry and usually, the entire family of the weaver helps in the process.
Complete answer: The putting-out system involves two parties — the weaver and the merchant. The factory system used powered machinery, division of labor, unskilled workers, and a centralized workplace to mass-produce products.
What was there before the factory system? Before the factory system products were made one at a time by individual workers. The domestic system was no longer able to provide enough goods to meet the demand.
In the late s, machines were invented that allowed textiles to be made faster and in larger quan- tities. These new machines replaced hand weavers. However, the domestic system did have a number of major weaknesses in the growing industrial power that was the United Kingdom : the production was very slow and the finished product was simply not enough to, in the case of textiles, cloth the fast growing population of the United Kingdom.
The positive effects of factory work is it created a mass production of products faster, the technology was quicker, and more people made the same products at the same time. The two biggest problems with the factory system were dangerous working conditions and very low pay.
Women and children would routinely work 50 hours a week, earning about 10 cents an hour. Poor workers were often housed in cramped, grossly inadequate quarters. Working conditions were difficult and exposed employees to many risks and dangers, including cramped work areas with poor ventilation, trauma from machinery, toxic exposures to heavy metals, dust, and solvents.
Nadien vond dit systeem ook zijn weg op het platteland. Hierbij kwam een buitenambachtelijke huisnijverheid tot stand, die dus niet-gereglementeerd was. Het bood echter wel een oplossing voor de boeren om in de winter iets extra te verdienen. Ook voor de ondernemer waren er voordelen omdat hij buiten de ambachten om kon produceren. Tevens reduceerde deze methode de hoge loonkosten. Voor de plattelandsbewoner waren er ook voordelen: de investering bleef heel beperkt en hij kon het werk organiseren naast het werk op de akker.
In de periode werd de plattelandsnijverheid weggeconcurreerd door het fabriekssysteem van de industrialisatie. Historically, it was also known as the workshop system and the domestic system. In putting-out, work is contracted by a central agent to subcontractors who complete the work in off-site facilities, either in their own homes or in workshops with multiple craftsmen.
It was used in the English and American textile industries, in shoemaking, lock-making trades, and making parts for small firearms from the Industrial Revolution until the midth century.