Your shopping basket contains items. Item total. Amend Basket. Enter Promo Code. Proceed to Checkout. Request a FREE catalogue. Join our offers email list. Quick Order Form. Our email subscribers are sent regular emails with news, offers and discount codes. If you'd like us to add your email to this list, please enter your address below. Request Catalogue. Toggle navigation. Share this item:. Add To Basket. The collection includes 40 plants, 10 each of the following varieties: Cabbage Advantage F1 An excellent new variety for spring greens and medium sized hearted spring and summer cabbages.
Despatches will begin in September for immediate planting. Add A Review For This Product If you've bought this product from us previously, we'd love to hear how you got on with it. Your Name:. Dandelion greens, for example, are harvested in early May and fiddleheads in April and May.
Once the weather gets hot the plant goes to seed and the leaves become bitter. Because they're very perishable, you'll want to buy spring greens close to the time you're going to serve them. Choose fresh, bright green, firm leaves with uniform color.
Avoid wilted, discolored or slimy leaves. Remove any bad leaves before storing. Store either in produce bags or rolled loosely in a damp clean towel in a plastic bag. Leave the bags open and place in the refrigerator. They'll keep for five to ten days, though the sooner you use them the better. Before serving, wash the leaves carefully by immersing in a bowl of cold water. Rinse and spin dry or spread on a clean towel to dry.
You can remove the small stems or leave them on—they're tender enough to nibble right up. Skip to main content. Search form Search this site. Spring Greens. Tags: arugula , ingredients , leafy greens , salads , spring , spring greens , watercress. You may also like. Spring Salads. September planting and will keep well into May.
The large, heavy heads of Spring Hero stand for weeks. Harvest April-May. Sprouting Broccoli Claret F1 Broccoli Claret is a vigorous and high yielding modern hybrid, which is ready in March-May, producing masses of thick spears simply packed with flavour. Broccoli Claret is good enough to serve alone steamed and lashed with butter, just like an extra-early asparagus!
Harvest March-May. Cauliflower Aalsmeer AGM Another very winter-hardy variety, standing throughout to yield a fine crop of top quality curds in early spring.
When there is often not much else in the garden. Harvest March-April. Following on from our summer cropping range, our autumn and winter cropping varieties will ensure you have a tasty and delicious selection of vegetables to harvest from autumn through to next spring. As for our summer range, all are grown at our nursery, in their own cell of compost, and have been selected for their flavour and reliability. Despatches will begin in September for immediate planting.
You will be impressed by their quality and the speed with which they establish and grow after transplanting, giving you the satisfaction of home grown vegetables. Top quality varieties, professionally grown, delivered at just the right time and in perfect condition for growing on in your garden, allotment or greenhouse, with complete, easy-to-understand growing hints.