Where is ebola commonly found

WHO continues to closely monitor the situation and investigate alerts in affected areas within the Democratic Republic of the Congo. WHO is prioritizing infection control and prevention, and cross-border surveillance. Help is needed to further prevent the spread of the virus and to provide community health support.

Over the next few weeks and months, community engagement will be key to dispelling myths and helping to curb the spread of the Ebola epidemic and we're working to rapidly scale-up our prevention response. Scientists believe that Ebola keeps emerging in African countries, particularly the Democratic Republic of the Congo, because of the prevalence of fruit bats that live there. The Democratic Republic of the Congo contains millions of acres of dense forest where many wildlife species call home.

However, this is just a hypothesis, and scientists still are not certain that this is why the Democratic Republic of the Congo has had more Ebola outbreaks than any other country. Living or working in a remote area where there is a large population of fruit bats seems to increase the risk of coming into contact with contaminated surfaces or animals.

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What is Ebola disease? How is it transmitted? How is the disease diagnosed? How is it treated? What are the preventive measures? Who is most at risk? The health staff Family members or those who have been in close contact with infected people Mourners and funeral staff who have been in direct contact with the body of the deceased, as part of a burial ceremony People who have had contact with the blood of mammals, such as nonhuman primates Since the virus in Colombia is not present, the people most at risk are the travelers to countries with outbreaks, who must follow the above-mentioned measures.

One man died from the disease. The other three recovered and do not have any symptoms of the disease. The outbreak is currently ongoing. For the latest information on this outbreak and on Ebola in general, visit the World Health Organization website at www. Ebola does not spread as easily as more common illnesses such as colds, the flu, or measles.

There is NO evidence that the virus that causes Ebola is spread through the air or water. Ebola can ONLY spread between humans by direct contact with infected body fluids including but not limited to urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen.

The virus can enter the body through a break in the skin or through mucous membranes, including the eyes, nose, and mouth. Ebola can also spread by contact with ANY surfaces, objects, and materials that have been in contact with body fluids from a sick person, such as:. Health care workers and people caring for sick relatives are at high risk for developing Ebola because they are more likely to come in to direct contact with body fluids.

The proper use of personal protective equipment PPE greatly reduces this risk. The time between exposure and when symptoms occur incubation period is 2 to 21 days. On average, symptoms develop in 8 to 10 days. A person who does not have symptoms 21 days after being exposed to Ebola will not develop the disease. There is no known cure for Ebola. Experimental treatments have been used, but none have been fully tested to see if they work well and are safe.

People with Ebola must be treated in a hospital. There, they can be isolated so the disease cannot spread. Health care providers will treat the symptoms of the disease.

Survival depends on how a person's immune system responds to the virus. A person also may be more likely to survive if they receive good medical care. People who survive Ebola are immune from the virus for 10 years or more. They can no longer spread Ebola. It is not known whether they can be infected with a different species of Ebola.

However, men who survive can carry the Ebola virus in their sperm for as long as 3 to 9 months. They should abstain from sex or use condoms for 12 months or until their semen has twice tested negative.


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