Construction workers who built the numerous infrastructure projects in the 40's and 50's fell in love with the area and chose to resettle here.
Jonestown began to grow about this time as well, and FM was upgraded to facilitate modern traffic. Over time, bus service to Austin was initiated.
In the 's, attempts by the City of Austin to annex the North Shore communities were abruptly halted when Lago Vista, Jonestown, and Point Venture all voted to individually incorporate.
Today the North Shore is a thriving, growing triad of communities with everything from a large, regional supermarket and a national pharmacy chain, to dozens of small owner-operated businesses from auto repair to zoological retail. The North Shore also boasts a prolific arts community with the iconic Hill Country Singers, large-scale Broadway productions by Lake Travis Music Theatre, the boutique Lago Vista Players, Lago Fest, an art, music, and food festival, and the classic Twilight Concerts high on the hill overlooking the lake.
Housing Market in Lago Vista. It's a good time to buy in Lago Vista. Home Appreciation is up Reviews for Lago Vista 2 Reviews. Read More. Agree Disagree Nice people , things to do , low crime, good economy despite the liberals in austin and great You can also use our New Interactive Map to explore places. Try Now. All rights reserved. BestPlaces Mobile App. Lowest Priced Homes. Most Expensive Listings. Largest Homes. Median Priced Homes. College-town amenities. Summer heat.
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