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Map of Sokoto, Nigeria. Global Atlas map of Sokoto, Nigeria. Data for Sokoto, Nigeria. Upland Cultivation. The upland of the close-settled zone comprises an intricate network of permanent fields which form more or less continuous cover broken only by low mesas outcrops of laterite and the built-up area of the villages Fields are small between 0. Guinea corn Sorghum s?. FIG Agricultural land use near Sokoto.
Floodland Cultivation. The Colonial Period, The Post-Colonial Period. The Sokoto-Rima basin is now one of three major irrigation schemes in northern Nigeria the others being the Chad basin and the Kano river The possibilities of extending irrigated farming through government initiative reach back to and when several small water-conser vation projects were started within the floodplain to the north of Sokoto Although these fell into disuse interest persisted and pilot project was constructed at Kware in the mid-i zos Eventually the river.
To the south-east of Sokoto along the edges of the Sokoto river ADAMS has recorded the cultivation of substantial amounts of Guinea corn during the wet season. Liste des illustrations FIG. The Church has also not been spared in these attacks and kidnappings. There have been increasing reports of abductions of priests and members of the clergy. In several states in northern Nigeria, the government has adopted measures to hinder the activities of the bandits, including the regulation of transport by motorcycles which are the preferred means of transport by the bandits, communications blackouts and increased military presence.
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