Where to find cmos battery on toshiba laptop

You should also disconnect the power cable from the laptop. This will ensure that there is no power supply to the system as you go about this task. Using an appropriate screwdriver, unscrew the screws that are at the back panel of the laptop. Thereafter, use the spudger to scoop out the panel. You will be able to spot the CMOS battery underneath the back panel.

There is a pin that holds the CMOS battery in place, press it downwards. This makes the battery come out. You can then disconnect it from the motherboard quite easily. If you have to replace your CMOS battery, you will have to ensure that the replacement has similar specs as the one you are taking out. This is because the voltage and other details like the brand matter a lot so that you have an appropriate CMOS battery for the task.

Every one of these laptops comes with a CMOS that is connected to the motherboard. This is a chip that is powered with a small disc-like battery and is in charge of recording simple but vital computer data.

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Mar 13, 1 0 1, 1. The RTC relies on power from the main Laptop battery. It is a new innovation from Toshiba. Prove this by removing the battery two screws My Toshiba CB was purchased in August of so is not 2 years old yet. Hope this helps out guys ps. Aug 28, 5, 3 22, 1, Hi, Here's a video of the tear down process of your laptop.

The CMOS battery is round, flat and silver in color. Dec 26, 1 0 1, 0. This is so bizarre. I've only been in IT for 10 years, but this is a first for me. I'm doing some work for a friend who has the Toshiba and I don't know how to explain why she's getting an error message saying "RTC Battery Low" when there is no RTC battery in the first place. Thanks again, for the post though- glad I read this before I took the laptop apart and went crazy looking for a battery that doesn't exist.

KCdisco Prominent. Posted 02 September - PM. Good luck with that unit. Toshiba makes it so hard to work on their laptops that it almost has to go back to them. Posted 04 September - AM. Community Forum Software by IP. Sign In Create Account. Javascript Disabled Detected You currently have javascript disabled. Register a free account to unlock additional features at BleepingComputer.

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Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing to topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site. Click here to Register a free account now! Please log in to reply. Posted 02 September - AM Hi.


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