Where to get new health card ontario

Health card renewal Learn how to renew an Ontario health card. On this page Skip this page navigation. The renewed card will be mailed to you in approximately 4 to 6 weeks.

Medical exemptions If you cannot visit a ServiceOntario centre for a medical reason, you must have a physician or nurse practitioner fill out a Health Card Medical Exemption Request form. Note : your child does not need to be with you. Lost renewal reminder If you have lost the renewal reminder, you can print another copy of the form. Renew in-person If your renewal notice says you need to visit a ServiceOntario centre. Lost renewal reminder If you have lost your renewal reminder, you can print another copy of the form.

Do you need a photo? It is important to notify the ministry as soon as possible when an insured person dies. The attending physician forwards this information to the ministry but this may take some time and the doctor is not responsible for the collection and return of the health card. The person who is looking after the affairs of the deceased must return the health card to the ministry. The health card is actually the property of the government.

It should be returned to the ministry for proper action and disposal. Here is a list of local ServiceOntario centres. As a courtesy, you could advise the deceased person's various health providers but you are under no obligation to do so. Kingston Toll free protectpublichealthcare ontario. Please be ready to give your OHIP card number. No, sex reassignment surgery is no longer a prerequisite for changing an individual's sex designation on their Ontario health card.

The following documentation is required, regardless of age, in order to change the sex designation on a health card:. If you do not already have a photo health card, you must switch your red and white health card to a photo health card when you change your sex designation. You will also be required to provide three original documents to prove your Canadian citizenship or OHIP -eligible immigration status if not already provided as one of the documents listed above , your Ontario residence and your identity.

You should talk to your primary care physician to ensure you obtain appropriate insured services suited to your situation. If you are a member of the media, call Communications and Marketing Division at or visit our News Room section. Contact Us Accessibility Privacy. PDF E-mail Print. To maintain your OHIP coverage, you should: be able to provide acceptable documents that show that your work requires frequent travel in and out of Ontario or that your full-time academic program in Ontario requires travel outside of Ontario; and be able to provide acceptable documents to show how you make your primary place of residence in Ontario refer to Ontario Health Coverage Document List.

Are internationally adopted children exempt from the 3-month waiting period? A child under 16 years old, who is the subject of an adoption order under section of the Child and Family Services Act , will be exempt from the remainder of the three-month waiting period for Ontario health insurance coverage; if on the date the adoption is finalized, the child is OHIP -eligible and is within their three month waiting period.

Am I eligible for Ontario Health Insurance? You may be eligible for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan OHIP if you are included under one of the following categories: you are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, landed immigrant or are registered as an Indian under the Indian Act ; you have submitted an application for permanent residence in Canada, and Citizenship and Immigration Canada has confirmed that you meet the eligibility requirements to apply for permanent residence in Canada; you have applied for a grant of citizenship under section 5.

Your ongoing eligibility for Ontario health insurance coverage is based solely on you having an OHIP -eligible citizenship or immigration statuses, and on you: making your primary place of residence in Ontario, and meeting the requirement of being physically present in Ontario for at least days in any month period. How do I get an Ontario health card? What documents should I bring when I register? What immigration documents must I present to confirm my immigration status as an Applicant for Permanent Residence previously called an Applicant for Landing when applying for Ontario health insurance coverage?

If you are applying for Ontario health insurance coverage as an Applicant for Permanent Residence, you are required to present written confirmation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada CIC that you are eligible to apply for permanent residence in Canada, which may be one of the following : CIC Confirmation Letter — letter on CIC letterhead addressed to the Applicant for Permanent Residence that confirms that the applicant is eligible to apply for permanent residency in Canada; CIC Immigration document such as a Work Permit, Visitor Record, Temporary Resident Permit or Study Permit with note in the "Remarks Section" that indicates that you have applied for permanent residence and the CIC has confirmed that you meet the eligibility requirements to apply for permanent residence in Canada.

How do I change my name on my health card to my married name? How do I change my name on my health card upon dissolution of my marriage? To change your name on your photo health card to reflect your birth name maiden name or a previous married name, you must visit a ServiceOntario centre , complete a Change of Information form and present the original of one of the following: A divorce certificate which includes your previous name and the requested name A marriage certificate which includes your previous name and the requested name Birth certificate Change of name certificate If you do not already have a photo health card, you must also provide three original documents to prove citizenship, Ontario residence and identity.

I have had my name legally changed, how do I have my new name put on my health card? To change your name on your health card to reflect your new legal name, you must visit a ServiceOntario Centre , complete a Change of Information form and present the original of one of the following: Certified copy of the court order for a change in name Change of name certificate Adoption court order If you do not already have a photo health card, you must also provide three original documents to prove citizenship, Ontario residence and identity.

What if my red and white health card is lost, stolen or damaged? To convert your card: Go in person to your local ServiceOntario centre. Complete a Registration for Ontario Health Coverage form You may be asked for additional documents, for example, if your name has changed you may need to provide a marriage certificate or a change of name certificate. What if my photo health card is lost, stolen or damaged? My photo health card has expired. How do I renew my health card?

How do I renew my child's health card? I have a red and white health card. Do I need a photo health card? What if I forget to bring my health card when I go for health care?

What should I do if I move? There are three ways to update your address: Change your address online Obtain a Change of Address form , complete and return it by mail. Forms are available from your local ServiceOntario centre or from Forms Online. Send a letter to your local ServiceOntario centre. You must include your name, health number, telephone number, current address, and new address including postal code.

Why is it important for me to notify the ministry when I move? It is important that the ministry has your current address to keep your coverage active. What if I know of someone using a health card that is not theirs? It is against the law to receive insured health care when you are not an insured person. If you know someone who is using a health card : which is not theirs, or after moving away permanently from Ontario.

You may make your report anonymously if you wish. What services does OHIP cover? Northern Health Travel Grant : You may be eligible for a Northern Health Travel Grant to help pay transportation costs if you live in northern Ontario and must travel long distances for specialty medical care.

Services Outside Canada : For people travelling outside Canada , the ministry pays a set rate for emergency health services. How do I submit my medical bills? For more information : Travelling Outside Canada Q. My baby was born in hospital or at home attended by a registered midwife. How do I get a health card for my baby when he or she is born?

You will be asked to confirm that : The child has a primary place of residence in Ontario. The child will be physically present in Ontario for at least days in any twelve-month period to retain health coverage. You have to apply to renew your Health Card. You apply in the same way that you applied for your first Health Card. If you have a green Health Card with a photo, your card has a section near the bottom that says "Valid Until.

You should also get a reminder in the mail a few months before it expires. If you still have a red and white card , you will soon get a letter from the government asking you to replace it and get the green photo, Health Card.


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