Which iit is conducting jee 2017

Through these papers you will be able to practice new questions. Revision notes: Proper revision notes will certainly help you during your examination.

So make proper notes of mathematical formulae, important chemical reactions and important terminologies. These notes will help you in your last minute preparation and helps you to quickly go through the concepts. Get Physics Revision Notes. Get Chemistry Revision Notes. Get Mathematics Revision Notes. Are you worried or stressed? Click here for Expert Advice.

JEE Advanced registration started today on the official website for the exam. This year the exam is being co-ordinated by IIT Madras. Kalpit Veerval will go down in history as the first person to land a perfect score in the JEE Joint Entrance Examination Main to qualify for the prestigious IITs and other engineering colleges in the country.

JEE Advanced is the only way to get into B. To qualify for appearing in exam, students need to have at least 75 per cent marks or be in top 20 percentile in Class XII examination. SC, ST students should have 65 per cent marks. Click here to join our channel indianexpress and stay updated with the latest headlines.

Neeti Nigam I am a happy-go-lucky person with deep rooted interests in reading, wr Written by Neeti Nigam Updated: September 18, pm.


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