Which starlet are you

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Scroll To Start Quiz. Taping your cleavage to make it look higher. Living on chicken soup and black coffee. Bathing with olive oil. Raw meat facials. Love him! I don't care for him; too hard to understand. He's one of the greats, but I prefer modern writers. The trials and temptations of a female lawyer in An older woman who travels to Italy and becomes a painter.

An independent girl in , fighting to make her own choices. A sassy party girl who accidentally falls in love. I'd toss my drink in his face. I'd give him a hug while whispering, "Please shut up now. I'd interrupt him with a toast of my own. I'd ask him to lead me in the first dance. The results might surprise you!

Rose Heichelbech. Which classic Hollywood starlet are you? Far from the dizzy and shallow dance hall girl she often played, Marilyn was quite a deep woman who got swept up in the chaos and excess of Hollywood at the time. Simple, elegant, modern, and to the point. Update: Netflix has fired the employee who was organizing an upcoming walkout set to happen Wednesday, October 20 of trans staffers and allies in protest.

In the s, a Black woman named Henrietta Lacks walked into Johns Hopkins Hospital to be treated for cervical cancer, and her cells would go on to b. While the Census was essential to many communities across the United States, it held a different meaning for Puerto Ricans.

Battered after a decades-l. This story contains discussion of sexual violence. Please proceed with care. Gorgeous hair. How often are you stared at when out in public? A good amount. All the time. How often do men stare at you? In one word, describe yourself Audrey Hepburn. Ava Gardner. Marilyn Manroe.

Rita Hayworth. Greta Garbo. Natalie Wood. Elizabeth Taylor. Jane Russel. Facebook Comments.


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