Today he ordered the Government forces to lay down their arms and return to Havana form the triumphant battlefield. A broadcast from Fidel Castro's rebel forces gave a glowing but quite contrary account of the Battle of Santa Clara and ended with the news that rebel leaders were heading without let or hindrance towards Havana to take over the Government.
It is more than likely that these two broadcasts are saying the same thing namely that the rebel version of the battle of Santa Clara is nearer the truth and that the Government's forces deserted by their leaders have given up. A later rebel broadcast refused to accept Piedra as provisional President and threatened continued fighting unless the junta gave the reins of Government to Judge Manuel Urrutia, a Cuban exile who recently flew home from New York and is now behind rebel lines.
Joyous parades broke out in Havana and according to latest reports have turned today into bloody riots. The offices of the newspaper "Tiempo" have been set on fire and several gambling casinos sacked. The offices of Air France, Venezuelan Airlines, Iberian Airlines, Royal Dutch Airlines and credit and investment banks were among those broken into and windows were smashed, furniture destroyed and items stolen. Prisoners in the main gaol in Havana for political prisoners were reported to have rioted - and some were said to have been injured - while their relatives milled outside the walls.
But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! The game is On January 1, , following a New England Patriots touchdown against the Miami Dolphins, Doug Flutie enters the game for what initially appears to be a two-point conversion play. On January 1, , one of the largest and most significant trade pacts in world history comes into effect.
In 45 B. Soon after becoming Roman dictator, Julius Caesar decided that the traditional Roman calendar was in dire need of reform. Introduced around the seventh century In , a slave revolt erupted on the French colony, and Toussaint Louverture, a formerly Attempting to stitch together a nation mired in a bloody civil war, Abraham Lincoln made a last-ditch, but carefully calculated, decision regarding the institution of slavery in America.
By the end of , Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar, an exceptionally competent administrator, a shrewd judge of character and a man of engaging personal charm, was from a poor Cuban farming family. Batista was made chief of staff. He soon removed Grau and, with the support of the army and the approval of the United States, ruled the country efficiently under figureheads of his choosing until , when he himself ran for president and won.
Four years later, however, Grau won the next presidential election and Batista, who had tucked away a huge personal fortune, took himself off to luxurious exile in Florida. Batista ran for president again in , but distrusting his prospects of winning, organised the second successful coup of his career at the headquarters of the Cuban army at Camp Columbia, outside Havana.
The excuse made public was that the current regime was planning to remain in power whatever the election result. He is perhaps best remembered as the Cuban president who was overthrown by Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution of — Belisario had fought in the Cuban war of independence against Spain under General Jose Maceo, and he was a sugar cane cutter employed by a local contractor for the United Fruit Company. The family was poor and the relationship between Fulgencio Batista and his father was not good, and so Fulgencio took it upon himself to raise, educate, and care for his younger brothers Juan b.
Fulgencio began studying at the age of 10 at the Quaker school in Banes when it opened in September The mostly Cuban students were taught in Spanish, and Batista graduated in with a fourth-grade education. He then worked in the sugar cane fields with his father. During the off-season, he worked in a variety of small jobs in town, including as apprentice to a barber and a tailor.
His mother died in ; the following year at age 15, Fulgencio Batista ran away from home. He sent money home when he could, but was nearly killed in an accident at the railroad that left him hospitalized for several weeks and scarred him for life. Although there were late-night parties, drinking, and womanizing among the railway employees, Batista rarely attended and was instead remembered as a voracious reader. Batista was made sergeant in and worked as an army stenographer for General Machado's chief of Staff, General Herrera.
Batista was a young sergeant in the army when the repressive government of General Gerardo Machado fell apart in By making alliances with student groups and unions, Batista was able to put himself in a position where he was effectively ruling the country.
He eventually broke with the student groups, including the Revolutionary Directorate a student activist group and they became his implacable enemies. In , Batista ordered a new constitution and ran for president. In he was elected president in a somewhat crooked election, and his party won a majority in Congress.
Although he presided over a relatively stable time and the economy was good, he was defeated in the elections by Dr. Batista and his new wife moved to Daytona Beach in the United States for a while before deciding to re-enter Cuban politics. He was elected senator in and they returned to Cuba. He established the Unitary Action Party and ran for president in , assuming that most Cubans had missed him during his years away.
Soon, it became apparent that he would lose: he was running a distant third to Roberto Agramonte of the Ortodoxo Party and Dr. Fearful of losing entirely his weakening grip on power, Batista and his allies in the military decided to take control of the government by force. Batista had a great deal of support.