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Recommended for you. Sponsored: Ministry of Planning With heightened international awareness of the issues relating to hazardous chemicals and waste, ozone depletion and biodiversity conservation, there has been increased global action to address these issues.

More here. Facebook Twitter Instagram. Tweets by expressupdates. Notifications Settings. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Push notification Subscribe. He recorded prolifically, with forty albums released in the s and s. In the latter half of the s his recordings began to be released in the United Kingdom. He had his greatest success internationally in the s, starting with the album The Best Of , featuring live recordings in Brooklyn, New York of Sparrow favorites.

In he recorded the album Hot and Sweet for Warner Bros. He had a big hit in with "Crawford", a tribute to sprinter Hasley Crawford, and that year embarked on a tour of west Africa, during which he was given the honorary Yoruba title Chief Omo Wale of Ikoyi. As soca began to supplant calypso in popularity in Trinidad during the late s and early s, Sparrow embraced the hybrid of Calypso and cadence with the local Chutney music.

Also around this time, he began to spend at least half the year in New York City, finding an apartment in the West Indian neighborhoods in Jamaica, Queens. He would later win the title for a second time.

His last major title came in , with "Both of Them" and "Survival" winning him the Calypso Monarch title. He made an appearance at the Reggae Sunsplash festival in Although less active since the mids, Sparrow continued to write, perform, and tour into the 21st century; in a interview he mentioned that he had been singing and performing a "Gospel-lypso" hybrid.

In , he released a song supporting Barack Obama's presidential campaign, "Barack the Magnificent". In he left the stage in a wheelchair after a performance in Trinidad, and later that year was hospitalised after suffering an inguinal hernia while performing in Maryland. He made a full recovery and continued to tour internationally. He has been hospitalised several times with complications of diabetes. He returned to public performance in January with a forty minute set at a bar in Brooklyn, New York.

Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Site Map. The Mighty Sparrow. Career At the age of 14 he joined a steel band comprising neighborhood boys, and performed with the band at Carnival.


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