Who is vision avengers

Almost every monumentally powerful superhero has a moment when they decided that asserting their will on other people was worth a try, and the Vision is no different. In a issue of The Avengers , the Vision tapped into every computer system on earth — including all computerized weapon systems — in an attempt to take control of the planet and bend it towards a happier future.

The Avengers managed to convince him this was a bad idea, but not before, like, every government in the world had noticed and gotten very alarmed.

For various complicated reasons, there were no backups. While dismantling him, the agents damaged his skin in such a way that it could no longer keep his usual color scheme, and turned stark white. It was a big design change for the character, but it was also something of a callback. Writer Roy Thomas and artist John Buscema had tried making the Vision white to begin with, to go along with the spectral, ghostly tone of his name.

But the process of printing comics at the time meant that a pure white character would have just been the color of the paper they were printed on. Hayward refused, seeing him as property rather than a person. Wanda tried to connect with Vision but couldn't feel him any more so left.

Hayward used the footage of Wanda and edited it to make her look like she had stolen Vision's body so that his subordinates would believe that the Vision in the Hex was the same Vision that was killed by Thanos so he couldn't be held accountable for illegally reanimating Vision against his living will.

Using the energy from the s drone that Wanda attacked, S. Hayward ordered Vision to be awoken with the intent of sending him into the Hex to eradicate both Wanda and the Vision from the Hex. Vision, controlled externally by S. Both synthezoids engaged in combat through the streets of Westview until inside the public library where Wanda's Vision posed the question of the Ship of Theseus. Unable to argue with the logic, Vision agreed to allow Wanda's Vision to restore his memories which had been supressed by S.

Vision left, trying to process what he had learned. Vision is a polite, calm and thoughtful being in a similar manner to J. He is also proven to be blunt when he told Tony Stark that Ultron hates him the most. He likes to reason with his enemies and will only attack when threatened. When Vision encountered Ultron for the final time, both admitted that they cannot understand humans and they are doomed to die out.

However, Vision can see the beauty in humanity due to their potential and imagination and was happy to serve alongside them. He also has a sense of humor commenting in response to Ultron's disgust at his naivety that, he "was only born yesterday".

This is a trait possibly picked up from J. He is also proven to take on certain physical characteristics of his allies, possibly in emulation of them, such as when he manifested a cape after having seen Thor in his warrior garb. He is the only individual, apart from Odin and Thor himself - and, later, Steve Rogers - who has been observed to lift the hammer and use it in combat. Vision possesses an increasingly human psychological makeup, despite his claim to Ultron that they will never fully understand humanity, he is proven to possess a desire and need to make friends.

Most human of his traits is his apparent crush on Wanda Maximoff , which has led him to be shy and bashful around her, yet also very protective and somewhat awkwardly flirtatious.

His naivety with romantic matters is understandable given his origins, but shows that deep down he is more human than he truly realizes based on this very human need to connect and form a close bond with a partner. Marvel Movies Explore. Venom: Let There Be Carnage. Hawkeye Hawkeye Kate Bishop.

Doctor Strange Wong Scarlet Witch. No biggie. HYDRA uses the mind stone to experiment on a bunch of people and try to build a super army. The only ones who survive are Wanda and her twin brother Pietro. Wanda gains telepathy, telekinesis and a mishmash of other abilities. Such is life. At some point they name themselves Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Predictably, Ultron goes berserk and tries to kill the Avengers. Ultron recruits Wanda and Pietro to his cause. Tony then uses the Mind Stone to create an android who can fight Ultron.

Shockingly, that plan actually turns out fine, and Vision is born. They team up with the Avengers, but Pietro dies in battle. By Avengers: Infinity War , the two run off to Scotland to get away from their superhero duties and explore their romantic potential. Still, murdering half the planet is bad, so the Avengers fight him. Wanda and the other Avengers spend most of the movie fending off Thanos, but at the end, Vision asks Wanda to destroy the Mind Stone and kill him to keep Thanos from attaining the stone.

Wanda does, but Thanos turns back time. Thanos manages to kill Vision, rip the Mind Stone from his head and snap his fingers. Poof—half of humanity disappears, including Wanda!

That, in case you missed it, is what most of the moviegoing world was freaking out about in the summer of Spoilers: Iron Man and Black Widow die too. She has no family. Who can blame her if she decides to go create an alternate, happier universe for herself?

Here are their backstories:. Maria has a daughter named Monica, who appears as a little girl in that film. Presumably, she has followed in the footsteps of her godmother, Captain Marvel, and become some sort of do-gooder.

He eventually learns that Scott Lang, despite technically being a criminal, is actually a pretty great guy. Woo appears to still be with the FBI or some other law enforcement agency in the trailers for this show. The Nazi splinter group is behind many of the terrible things that have happened in the MCU.


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