Why does matter expand and contract

Matt Jones. Thank you for watching the video. Start Your Free Trial Learn more. Matt Jones M. Explanation Transcript Most matter expands when heated and contracts when cooled, a principle called thermal expansion. Physics Heat and Thermodynamics. Science Biology Chemistry Physics.

English Grammar Writing Literature. Solids, liquids and gases all expand when heated, due to the increased movement of their particles.

Solids, liquids and gases all contract when cooled, due to the decreased movement of their particles. Temperature changes affect the volume of gases the most and the volume of solids the least. There are many practical and safety considerations associated with the expansion and contraction of matter due to temperature changes.

Click image to preview the Year 8 Chemistry Lesson Notes. Substances expand increase in size when they get warmer, and they contract decrease in size when they get cooler. This property can be useful. For example:. The rod is too large to fit through the hole.

The rod is cooled down, making it contract enough to fit through the hole.


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