Can you cut rebonded hair

Though, that has been greatly minimised with the advancements of technology and techniques - such as Chez Vous' Anti-damage Soft Rebonding. Rebonding gives us the illusion that our hair is healthy, hence we tend to neglect them after the procedure. Moreover, many of us also have the misconception that we can Rebond our hair again if they start to turn frizzy, dry and damaged.

But that's not true. Remember, we should not perform a full-strength Rebonding service on previously Rebonded hair to prevent breakage. In fact, Rebonded hair needs extra care to prolong its healthy-looking appearance:. Have any more doubts with regards to Thermal Straightening, or any other hair or hairstyle related concerns? Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or drop us a message via our Instagram and Facebook page. We are more than happy to assist you!

As its second outlet, it sets to disrupt and revolutionize the way people think of a hair salon experience. This next-generation hairstyling space is part salon, part sanctuary and part-playhouse. Aside from the comprehensive menu of hair services, guests can enjoy a whole host of value-added "spa"-like touches.

Taking one's salon experience to a whole new level of luxury. Guests will also be pleased to know that each associate director takes up to 5 appointments.

Each 2-hour slot for chemical services, in a day. This is to ensure that we have ample time and optimal attention to work on each guest's hair. The best part? It is highly affordable with our ultra-transparent tiered pricing. To make a reservation, call , during opening hours. We hope to see you soon. Does Soft Rebonding or Volume Rebonding create more body, volume and density? Classic Rebonding Classic Rebonding aims to straighten the hair to the full extent - hence flatter.

Treatment Rebonding It involves the application of targeted hair "goodness" into the hair during the procedure. Bond Strengthening Concentrates : To strengthen hair bonds and fight against breakage Proteins : To reduce porosity and promote elasticity Moisture : To replenish the moisture loss during the process Cuticle Protection : To "close" our cuticles to promote smoothness and provide heat protection Including treatments throughout the thermal straightening process is common in most premium hair salons.

Thioglycolic Acids: A type of salt and a reducing agent that helps break the Disulfide bonds in our hair. Potential of Hydrogen: Neutral to Slightly Acidic Intensity: Medium Effectiveness: Medium An experienced hairstylist will usually customise these technologies depending on one's hair texture, condition and desired results.

What are the Pros of Soft or Volume Rebonding? Utmost Manageability with Minimal Maintenance Unlike Keratin Treatment that requires heat daily to activate its smoothness, Soft or Volume Rebonding doesn't need heat to do so. After every shampoo, use a treatment masque instead of a conditioner A treatment masque will not only condition and detangle the hair. Apply a leave-in conditioner with heat-protection when hair is damp Moisturizing our hair reduces friction. Use medium heat to blow dry hair Avoid leaving our hair damp for a prolonged period.

Healthier-Looking Hair Frizz-free and straight hair tends to look healthier. What are the Cons of Soft or Volume Rebonding? Retouch Required Every 3 to 4 Months Our hair grows around 2 inches every 4 months, and these newly grown hair needs to be Rebonded to blend in with the hair ends.

Sub-optimal Future Perm Results Any chemical services, including Thermal Straightening, affects the hair's elasticity. Treat Your Hair Regularly Prior to the Service Date Strengthening and moisturising your hair with masques regularly will better prep the hair for the service - creating better end results. Warning: You Need to Take Care of Your Hair After Rebonding Rebonding gives us the illusion that our hair is healthy, hence we tend to neglect them after the procedure.

In fact, Rebonded hair needs extra care to prolong its healthy-looking appearance: Replace your conditioner with a lightweight reparative hair masque to combat breakage. Oribe Gold Lust Transformative Masque Apply a heat-protectant before blow-drying your hair to fight against dryness.

Never let your hair dry naturally to prevent prolonged internal swelling - which can increase the porosity of the hair. Go for monthly in-salon hair treatments such as K-Gloss, Express Revitalising Supreme or Tokio Inkarami Hair Treatment to protect our cuticles, strengthen the hair, and replenish the moisture and protein content of it. Even the conditioner should be used as per their advice.

When done with shampoo, leave conditioner for few minutes and then wash your hair. Do not ever wash your hair with hot water. Not even warm water is recommended for hair wash after rebonding of your hair.

Wash it with cold water thoroughly after using a shampoo. Conditioning your rebounded hair is a must. Use leave-in conditioners whenever you have to go outdoors. Do not hesitate or restrict using conditioners because you need to use these generously for a healthy hair after rebonding. Something that needs to be done at regular intervals after hair rebonding is, to get trimming.

This helps in keeping the hair secured from the problem of split ends which travels from bottom to top speedily and cause harm to your hair. This technique uses chemicals to change this natural bond to make it straight. Unlike straightening your hair with a straightener, rebonding chemically breaks down natural bonds in the hair and re-arranges them to form new bonds for straight hair. In short, it is a permanent procedure that breaks the natural cell structure of your hair and re-structures it.

A neutralizer is used to re-bond the structure of the hair, giving you the desired texture and shape. Once the hair is straightened , regular touch-ups are required in 3 months or 6 months, depending upon the growth of your natural hair. The technique of Hair Rebonding utilizes two chemicals namely cream relaxant and neutralizer. Before the use of these, the hair is prepared for the lengthy procedure by washing thoroughly with a mild shampoo and blow-drying in the medium setting Conditioner is used at a later stage.

Following this, the cream relaxant or softener is first applied on each section of the hair separately while keeping it held straight and is allowed to set while it breaks the natural bond of the hair. Thin plastic boards are utilized to assure that the cream is applied to each and every strand of the hair. For normal to wavy hair , the cream is ideally left for 30 minutes whereas, for dry, frizzy and excessively curly hair, it can be left for longer.

Although keeping it on for too long could damage the hair. After this, steam the hair for minutes depending upon its texture and general condition. Follow with a thorough rinse and blow-dry. Next, a Keratin lotion is applied to smooth any curls that may be left. Once the hair is satisfactorily straight, it is parted again. This step is followed by applying the neutralizer which re-structures and stabilises the bonds to form fresh ones that give your hair the sleek and straight look.

The neutralizer is left on the hair for another 30 minutes and then the hair is rinsed and blow-dried one last time.


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