Can you razor cut curly hair

With scissors, you can make clean cuts and create a very polished and fresh look. A proper stylist will undoubtedly layer your hair if its longer to allow for length without excessive bulk. A razor haircut is when in addition to the traditional scissor cut, your stylist will use a straight razor to slice into the ends of your hair. There are two types of razors you will see when your stylist gives you this cut, one is a standard straight edge razor that might shock anyone who has never received a razor cut before.

No way! The latter razor is used by novice stylists or those who are still new to razor cutting and have it there as a preventative measure. Either razor can do a splendid job at cutting hair.

Use a makeup powder brush sprayed with Redken vinyl glam 02 smoothing serum and brush hairline and curls to reduce frizz and add shine. Don't shampoo hair everyday - the more you shampoo, the more hair expands, promoting frizz For more in-depth cutting and styling tips for curly hair, check out Curlicious - Your Guide For Mastering Naturally Curly Hair.

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To be eligible for discounts, please enable JavaScript for your browser. Powered By Discount Ninja. When properly selected tools are used correctly. Layers become weightless, curls spring back to life, hair becomes moveable, touchable, and easy to style. When the selected tools are improperly. The razor in my opinion, is one of the most misunderstood tools in the hairdressing industry aw, poor baby razor.

Razor education for hairdressers is often times hard to find, and just like any other tool, when misused due to lack of education, experience, or what have you, a haircut is ruined and who is to blame?

I sometimes hear from clients: "I had a razor-cut and it ruined my hair", and sometimes I even hear hairdressers tell their clients: "A razor-cut will ruin your hair.

Well allow me to tell you a little secret: A razor can not ruin a haircut With that being said, here are some of the most common razor myths A dull razor will give you split ends. Razors, when sharpened and changed appropriately, are much sharper than shears and have the ability to slice through hair with very little tension. There are so many to pick from. I use it often to freshen up or learn something new.

Jatai's Feather Razor is responsible for so many of the textured looks that I have achieved. Respect to the Feather Razor! As a content provider I am in great company at Jatai Academy online. It has become a place on the web where beauty and barber professionals can count on finding quality information from industry leaders. Get the latest Academy content and special deals direct to your inbox.


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