Customers on higher fares who already have a second bag are not allowed a further bag for an infant. Children over two years of age with their own seat have the same hand luggage allowance as adult passengers. If you would rather move through the airport without your cabin bag in tow, you can leave your bag at easyJet Plus bag drop and pick it up again at the luggage carousel once you reach your destination. Compare easyJet's hand luggage allowance to that of other airlines. The standard easyJet hold luggage allowance is 23 kg per bag for bookings made from November Bags must not exceed 32 kg.
EasyJet allows musical instruments to be checked into the hold. This is charged according to the standard checked luggage rates. British Airways Baggage Allowance. Passengers must pick up their luggage at the luggage carousel on arrival at their destination. EasyJet increases its summer schedule due to growing demand and says it expects to operate about 1, flights per day in August. EasyJet announce they will resume some services from June 15 and outline the extra safety measures being put in place to protect against coronavirus.
The budget airline announces that it plans to keep middle seats empty to allow for social distancing once lockdown rules are lifted. EasyJet become the latest airline to ground their entire fleet of planes in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. It can be difficult to know if your cabin baggage meets an airline's size requirements, for your convenience here is a selection of luggage which retailers state are approved by the airlines.
We recommend checking with the retailer that the bag is suitable for your airline and other requirements. Covid Our service is operating as normal. More info.
Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What does "hold bag" mean when traveling with easyJet? Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. Active 2 years, 6 months ago.
Viewed 67k times. I will move to the Netherlands and am searching flights to select a price I can afford. Improve this question. A cargo hold is a compartment for stowing cargo during a voyage. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Note that in the drop-down menu one can also select heavier bags, however their pricing scheme is such that it very quickly makes sense to add another bag instead of acquiring heavier luggage.
Improve this answer. Community Bot 1. For easyjet the rules are as stated and I am pretty sure you can even out the weight distribution if you pack heavy stuff in the smaller bag or consider buying a cheap bag that allows you to put more stuff in the bag that is now the small one.
This answer is incorrect. Easyjet explicitly allows you to pool your luggage allowance across items. See my answer for the link. Show 1 more comment. OR Two passengers on the same booking, each with one 20kg item of hold luggage, have a total luggage allowance of 40kg. Johns Johns 32k 1 1 gold badge 65 65 silver badges bronze badges. Isn't "hold luggage" the standard British term for this i. Johns I can assure you that hold baggage is ordinary British English, not a poor translation from French or anything like that.
I, too, will certify that "hold luggage" is an absolutely standard piece of British English. That said, it is hardly the weirdest piece of UK English the poor international traveller must deal with; consider HMG's adorable term for permission to stay in the country: leave to remain.
In general, it is a mistake to think that facility with American English qualifies one to navigate British English without considerable care; the converse is equally true.