You can see how quickly you can raise your character's damage through the use of potential. There are of course many other random potential lines you can get, this table is just a quick overview of how the stat lines increase in level and rank. When you get a piece of equipment in MapleStory, it's very likely it won't contain the potential lines you desire and the rank of the potential may be too low.
To Reroll the potential stats and have a chance of ranking up the potential tier, you can use MapleStory Cubes.
Over the years, there have been many different cube variations that affect an item's potential. The most sort after cubes come from MapleStory's CashShop. In Regular Worlds, you need to use NX to buy cubes real money. Some players use hundreds of cubes on their items to get the best potential so you can see how costly the system can be! The good news is that there are also cubes you can obtain in-game that don't cost NX.
Unfortunately, these cubes are limited and have lower tier-up rates than the CashShop cubes. In Reboot World, all cubes cost mesos including the ones in the CashShop.
Reboot World aims to take the pay-to-win concepts out of MapleStory and rely on a player's ability to play the game. There are special events held in MapleStory called Double Miracle Time which increases the chances of ranking up an item's potential.
In MapleStory, certain equipment types can get potential lines that other's cannot. You can obtain Carved Silver Stamps and Carved Golden Stamps from the following methods tradable and does not expire unless specified :. You can reset potentials using the following items Item rank can increase at a small chance, it will never decrease unless Selection cube is used :.
Karma type cubes can only be used on untradable items, Event Ring Exclusive Purple Cubes can only be used on event rings, and the performance follows that of the normal type cube. During Miracle Time events, the chance of increasing the potential rank is doubled. During Double Miracle Time events, the chance of increasing the potential rank is doubled and also allows a very small chance of a double rank-up in a single cube. In general, outside the miracle time and double miracle time event, the chance of the rank to increase is estimated as below.
May be inaccurate. For the other cash cubes, the chance of the rank is dependent on the cube and the line's position, meaning that if the 2nd line is not a prime line, the chance of the 3rd line being a prime line still remains the same. The rate is stated as such in the official Korean MapleStory website. For in game cubes, the rates are set based on the cube and rank, and the 2nd and 3rd line have the same chance, even thoigh they are determined separately.
For cash cubes, the rates are set based on the cube itself rather than the rank, and the 2nd and 3rd line have separate chances. Events may give out some of these cubes for free but it is quite rare. Cubes found in the cash shop will give a Cube Fragment that you can use to exchange for items after collecting a certain number of them. They can be obtained as such all of them are tradable and permanent :. These are the list of possible stats for regular potentials.
Possible stats for each rank is denoted as follows: Rank Non-prime and Rank Prime. Derivative Risks The basic types of risks associated with derivatives are market risk that the value of the derivative will be adversely impacted by changes in the market, primarily the change in commodity prices and interest rates and credit risk that the counterparty will not perform according to the terms of the contract.
At least annually during the Employment, the Company shall review with the Executive the Base Salary, the Bonus Potential , and all other forms of compensation, which the Executive is then receiving or, in the case of contingent compensation, for which the Executive is a participant in the applicable plan. At least annually during the Employment, the Company shall review with the Executive the Base Salary, the Bonus Potential At Target, and all other forms of compensation, which the Executive is then receiving or, in the case of contingent compensation, for which the Executive is a participant in the applicable plan.
Executive will be paid his Bonus Potential Earned pursuant to terms of the Corporate Bonus Plan based on his Bonus Potential At Target and his actual performance during the bonus period. The Executive's Bonus Potential At Target shall be automatically increased by the same percentage as any increase in the Base Salary as provided in Section 4. Any increase in Base Salary shall not limit or reduce any other obligation of the Company to the Executive under this Agreement.
Bonus Potential means the maximum bonus amount Executive could receive pursuant to Section 3. Sample 1. Sample 2. That's okay though, really I just wanted to make sure I had no options atm before I decided to give up and just be patient. So, thank you both for the information you've provided. Source: codex on major bosses. Originally Posted by Evolite. The basic still drop from normal monsters no? That's actually viable, with no boom.
The problem I was expecting was having the easier ones risk boom obviously not doing that, and don't have the protections to spare even if I was crazy enough to do it that way , and the ones without boom, were too rare. If basic's still drop properly, then I should have no problem. I didn't see a single one while training my Hayato, so they clearly don't drop as often as they used to.
All of them only drop from the big bosses like zak,ht Bookmarks Bookmarks Digg del. All times are GMT The time now is AM.