A few points to keep in mind; The Uniform is only one method of Scouting. We are all supposed to be Gate Openers not Gate Keepers. A Scout is Obedient, so we should be upholding the uniform standards as well as possible. Cub Scouting is Do Your Best. It is better to have a Scout out of uniform Scouting than in any condition not Scouting. One trick for rank for anyone going Tan right after earning Bear and not getting to wear it; Getting the oval rank velcro on the shirt and using one of the plastic diamond rank button hangers not actualy authorized for uniform wear, but sold in the Scout Shop… with velcro on the back to keep it from flapping around is a nice temporary display solution.
As for the patches - remember that none of the rank patches from the blue uniform go on the tan uniform. Most kids in our pack start with a uniform that is too big, and when ready from Webelos they are getting snug. As for any change from National - I can only guess what they might be thinking.
Sometimes the best thing is for them to find other things to concern themselves with. Uniforming is a mess. Lions should wear the same shirt. That would be one size of shirt K-1 and a second size So many parents already buy two blue shirts over three years so why does it need to be three with a Lion shirt? Webelos tan should be formally what you buy when you outgrow blue. The timing would make sense with buying a second shirt in 2nd grade for most kids.
Then they get two years out of that shirt so if they bridge up they get a new shirt then big enough to get them close to 7th grade. I told all my parents to buy the blue uniform big enough for their kid to swim in as Tigers.
As we approached becoming Webelos I had a parent meeting because I really wanted them to be uniform. Most were wearing shirts that were already tight and parents all thought getting tan shirts just made sense. We also again bought shirts much too large. Unfortunately even at that my son was in need of a shirt shortly after going to Scouts.
Honestly, I think they should just leave it alone. Let those who want or can get another year out of the blue shirt do so. Scouts and leaders should wear it to all den meetings, pack meetings, and special pack activities.
Webelos no longer wear the blue Cub Scout uniform, and only wear the tan Scouts BSA uniform colors: the oval Webelos rank badge is displayed in the same location that Scouts BSA rank badges will be placed the tan shirt can be used in Scouts BSA when doing Arrow of Light activities with a Scouts BSA troop the Webelos will fit in further distinction as the 'senior' group in the Pack many scouts outgrow their blue uniforms.
Each Webelos den should learn to work as a patrol. To help with that patrol identity, each den can choose a Patrol Patch and create a patrol flag, name, and yell. The belt widths are different and the loops will not fit.
Notice the blue belt in the photo. The uniform shown here is known as the Field Uniform. The Activity Uniform is a custom pack T-Shirt and scout pants. Packs can design their own Activity shirt. The most well-known place for pack T-shirts is the ClassB. They are an official licensee of the Boy Scouts of America and have been providing high quality products to scouts since The Webelos den leader wears the official Cub Scout leader uniform and the Webelos Cub leader neckerchief.
The Uniform Inspection Sheet has insignia placement guides. Uniform details, price changes, and other scouting gear is found at ScoutShop.
Org - and you can now purchase online. Retrieve a list of Scout shops and distributors in your area at this Scout Store Locator. These uniforms are a significant cost for many scouting families. Some possible ways to reduce costs are: Have your scout earn the uniform or part of it. Purchase only minimum expected items in your pack. Buy used uniforms on eBay. Check with your pack or district about a Uniform Exchange where you can pick up or drop off uniforms.
Please don't call any Webelos a Webelo Scout. Whether there is one or a hundred, they are always called Webelos with the 's'. Feb 28, - David Smith I've recently become the single-point for ordering our pack's awards. As I read the uniform guidance, the Webelos Pin is not for uniform wear and for adults. Is this correct? Feb 28, - Scouter Paul David - Webelos scouts receive the Webelos rank patch when they complete all the Webelos rank requirements.
There is no pin to denote the Webelos rank, but there is a Webelos Parent Pin that can be purchased. Mar 22, - Kim For the new webelos adventure pins is there a certain order in which to display them on the webelos colors?
Aug 08, - Scott My son has earned the outdoor activity award and is a new webelo and we have switched to the tan shirt. Can this award be displayed on this shirt. Aug 08, - Scouter Paul Scott - Sure, it can. When he moves on to a Boy Scout troop, it should be removed. Oct 02, - tressa Johnson where do the activity pins IE:aquanaught, scientist etc go on the colors?
Oct 11, - Flo My son has just gone to Webelos and has chosen to wear the blue belt. May he keep his loops on the belt? Also, I was told at the scout store that the wolf belt buckle is considered to be a universal buckle that can be worn Bob Cat through Webelos. We recommend though that any new scouts go ahead and buy the Tan uniform. The question is, these new scouts earn their Bobcat badge, where does that go on the Tan shirt?
Feb 08, - Scouter Paul Mary - If you look at the uniform inspection sheet, it shows where patches belong. The bobcat patch goes on the same location on the blue or tan shirt.
If a Webelos scout puts on the oval Webelos patch, then the other diamond patches are removed. Feb 19, - Fabel Konicke We are preparing for bridging. I bought the plastic holder to attach to the pocket to hold his bear and Weiblo badges. However, there is no button to attach it to on the left pocket, only the right???? He is in the tan uniform Then, it is removed when he joins a Boy Scout troop. Webelos 2 - Fifth Grade. Shooting Sports Waiver. About the Required Forms. Dress for the outdoors.
Volunteer Opportunities Overview. Leader Training. Files Den 3 Resources. Outside Links Boy Scouts of America. Northern Star Council. Many Waters District. Hugo Boy Scout Troop Pack Master. Scouts in the News. Boy's Life. Cub Scout Pack. Chartered by:. American Legion Post Hugo, MN Subscribe to. P ack News. Wearing the BSA's official "Field Uniform", also commonly known as a "Class A" uniform, is a way for Cub Scouts to show their pack pride and display awards and ranks they earn.
S couts are encouraged to wear their Class A uniforms to school on Pack Meeting days too. Pack has specific uniform requirements based upon our program.