One source I recommend is Height Calculator. For most of human history, food was scarce and not every child got enough to ensure they reached their maximum growth potential. This growth potential is set by the genes they inherit. Most men typically wish they were taller, but few consider the problems that actually come with being exceptionally tall. These difficulties are not simply about a centimeter or inch over the average. In reality, the grass can always be greener on the other side.
Shorter men often wish they were taller for social reasons, but plenty of very tall men would give their height up if it meant getting rid of their ever-increasing back and neck pain that is much less common in shorter men.
Those who are athletically minded will also learn that muscle length and strength in moving heavy objects also make it harder on taller men. Bodybuilders know this first hand. It is much easier to build bulky muscle for the athletic look with shorter limbs and trunks.
This makes it easier for shorter men to attain this look than taller men. If a bulky athletic look is something prized, shorter men will have an easier go of it. It is believed that the tallest man ever came from Alton, Illinois. His name was Robert Pershing Wadlow, and he was believed to be 8 feet The current tallest male right now is 8 feet 2.
While being over 6 feet 3 inches is rare, at least in America, there are many tall people throughout time that have come close to this height as well. Some of the tallest people over the past years includes:. While men across the world are getting taller, no one has been able to beat the height record of Robert Wadlow that was set in , and hopefully nobody ever will. Being as tall as these people is usually the result of a genetic or other physical growth disorder, such as gigantism.
About ten years ago, the average height of men in America was A century ago, the average height was 67 inches. While this seems to point to a growth rate of over 2 inches in that time, compared to other nations, the rate of growth in America is actually slowing down. However, this does not mean that the average American male is starting to shrink, but rather that men in other nations are just catching up. So, largely, heights in America have started to stabilize compared to other countries.
These include:. People who are extremely tall are also at risk of several health issues. Their excessive size can strain the metabolic system and cause cardiovascular problems, including an enlarged heart.
There is a strong link between height and weight in terms of health. Working toward a healthy body mass index BMI involves weight increasing with height in a proportional way.
This means that two people with the same body weight could have obesity or underweight if they had significantly different heights. A healthy BMI ranges from A BMI between 25 and A BMI below Although BMI is not an exact science and cannot give a fully accurate picture of health status, it does suggest that height and weight relate to each other.
For an average male in the U. People with overweight or obesity may be vulnerable to a wide range of medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.
A person can calculate their BMI here. Short stature can happen because of a family trait, a genetic condition, or a growth hormone deficiency. Treatment may be available. In this article, learn about the factors that determine how tall a person will grow and if height can be increased as an adult. Are there ways to….
Dwarfism is a condition that causes a person to be very short. It is different from short stature. It results from genetic factors, but it is not a…. A new study from Denmark suggests that individuals who did not reach average height as children may be more exposed to stroke as adults.
Acromegaly is a rare condition that happens when the pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone, usually as the result of a tumor inside the…. How tall is the average man? Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph. Average height for males by region Factors that influence height Medical conditions that cause extremes in height What is the link between height and weight? Average height for males by region. Share on Pinterest The average height for males varies by region, due to health and nutrition.
Factors that influence height. Medical conditions that cause extremes in height. What is the link between height and weight? Men's Health. Contents hide. Listen to your Observers or the Internet What is the most attractive height for a man?
Is 5 feet X enough for a guy? Posted on February 5, Posted on January 28, Is Height Body Shaming? Posted on January 27, January 28, What do you think? Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Get my best tall shop lists Subscribe. About the Editor I am Rued , and welcome to my blog.
I started Tallsome to help tall people find clothing and inspire tall guys like me to make an effort in finding clothes that actually fit. Enjoy reading and feel free to contact me. Reader-supported website.