Is it possible to ice skate uphill

Though Wesley chose to speak in the language of poetry and metaphor, the meaning is clear: The nonbelieving motherfuckers are constantly in a state of futile rebellion against the universe. Wesley demonstrates, through his actions, that he will personally confront the motherfuckers and "kick" them into a state of "explosion.

This film chronicles the adventures of a basketball-playing Wesley Snipes who patiently tries to impart wisdom to a dull, stoned-looking man named Billy Hoyle played by Woody Harrelson. After using his hyperhuman intellect to defraud Billy out of a large sum of money, Snipes delivers his crushing lesson about life on earth: "You either smoke, or you get smoked.

And, you got smoked. This far more accurate portrayal of the Golden Rule which Snipes followers often refer to as "The Goldener Rule" sends young Hoyle skidding down the maturity chute. In taking Billy's wealth, Snipes has taught him to focus on the basics in life, away from material wealth.

But more importantly, he has taught him not to trust his fellow man blindly, for this will lead to betrayal. Only Wesley can be worthy of such blind trust, for only he will never betray you. Except in this instance, when it was to make a point. This film portrays Snipes' as traveling into the future to bring his wisdom to a generation of our grandchildren who have long since forgotten it.

Part cautionary tale, part prophecy, Demolition Man gives us a glimpse into a broken, bland world that indeed has forgotten the words of Snipes. It is a "pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch " world indeed. This is a future where there are no shootings, no crime, no brutality. The feminization of the culture via the "pussy whipping" has reached its apex and all things that make a society worth living in--shootings, karate and explosions--have withered sadly on the vine.

The very essence of humanity has been extinguished by the "robed sissies" who sit on the bench of our justice system. This is clearly one of the more controversial teachings of Wesley. Once more, we urge the observer and the teams of FBI agents, who monitor Wesley's every word and action, that Snipes is not explicitly advocating killing judges and abolishing our legal framework, or replacing it with a system where legal issues are resolved in televised gladiator matches where only the ruthless survive.

He just thinks it would be a good idea. In New Jack City , a film in which Wesley moves to the inner city and brings black-market medications to impoverished children, Wesley is heard uttering this line to a disciple while he holds a blade to the man's throat.

The context is a final gathering of Wesley's inner circle, just prior to his downfall orchestrated by a corrupt system. One of his men has stood up suddenly to object to one of Wesley's teachings, and Wesley reacts by picking up his cane and drawing from it a narrow blade.

The layers of symbolism here almost too numerous to comprehend. The supposed weakness of Snipes a cane becomes the weapon the hidden blade by which his enemies will be smited. Will you now be so quick to seize upon the weaknesses you see in others? Also, notice the prophecy that he is about to "make change" in the world. Sit down, my friends. Sit down so that you, too, may be in a position to witness before Wesley begins to "make change. Who can know? This second gleaming diamond of knowledge from White Men Can't Jump is true on a literal and metaphorical sense, and that' what makes it so beautiful.

We checked: If you put a cat in an oven for 20 minutes at degrees you really do not get a biscuit. You get agonized yowls for a couple of minutes and then your apartment fills with a terrible smell. On a more allegorical level, Wesley Snipes is once again showing us that the universe is constructed of opposing forces, yin and yang-or, in this case, cat and biscuit. You must ask yourself: Am I a cat or am I a biscuit? Do I become warm and golden in the oven, or do I perish horribly?

This is the third and final quote taken from the White Men Can't Jump collection, often referred to as the "tripod" upon which the other quotes rest. The three insights have been said to form a seminal trifecta from which a new life springs forth, just as human reproduction springs from Wesley's three testicles. The above lesson, imparted again to Wesley's young, white pupil, states that while the white fool can "listen" to Jimi meaning Jimi Hendrix he cannot "hear" him because Jimi was black.

We see now how the seventh stage of Wesley's wisdom has come full circle with the first, the duality of the white versus black universe that exists forever in a state of conflict. It is clear to the white pupil that he should always "bet on" black, but he should not try to enjoy their music while he does. This passage is left for the last and most advanced stage of Wesley teachings because it is difficult for most motherfuckers to grasp.

Snipes says Billy can "listen" but cannot "hear" Jimi. This is in fact the exact opposite of what most teachers would present: is not "hearing" the mere physical act, and is not "listening" the one that implies actual absorption and understanding? It's certainly a memorable moment, but it's clearly meant to be a savage capper to Frost's death, not a thigh-slapping distraction from it. Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible against the missus' wishes.

General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon. Jack Pooley Contributor.


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