Standard medical advice tells you to avoid unpasteurized cheeses and stick exclusively to the pasteurized ones. But given the day rule, the pasteurized choices will be disproportionately soft cheeses, as in, the ones that some doctors suggest pregnant women to avoid. Soft cheeses are soft and by U.
Microbiologically, soft cheeses are more hospitable environments for pathogens like Listeria than hard, dry cheeses. Bacteria need moisture to grow. They also thrive in low acid and low salt environments, which is precisely the condition of most pasteurized cheeses in the U. The other thing to consider about cheese is that, even when pasteurized, it can become contaminated by Listeria or Salmonella or other pathogens after it is made.
Secondary contamination is a risk that can occur farther down the supply chain. Consider two very common circumstances: cheese sliced at a supermarket deli counter, or cheese cut at a retail counter. Before falling down the scary-food rabbit hole and concluding that the best answer is to eat nothing but air and purified water, let me share the perspective of Dr.
The hard cheeses noted by Dr. Another helpful tip to consider for women craving soft, buttery cheese is to buy individual rounds of pasteurized cheese rather than pieces that have been cut from a larger wheel. These carry no risk of cross-contamination from cutting at the cheese counter. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. More Info. No Thanks. Close search. UK-wide delivery excluding Northern ireland.
Cheese and Pregnancy. We take all due care to ensure our cheeses meet uncompromising safety standards so as to minimise this risk, but we would advise pregnant or immunocompromised customers as follows: The best way to eat cheese safely during pregnancy is to avoid cheeses in which Listeria can grow. Listeria grows in high-moisture, low acidity cheeses and for this reason pregnant women should avoid soft e.
See all in Life as a Parent. See all in Video. You might also like You might also like. Foods to avoid in pregnancy Video. Cheeses that are safe to eat in pregnancy: photos. Is it safe to eat fish and seafood during pregnancy?
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