Saxony has a second salary grade for junior professors after a successful interim evaluation. Junior professors are required to pay income tax on their salary. On the other hand, no social contributions are charged. However, junior professors are responsible for arranging their own health and long-term care insurance. The basic salaries for W2 and W3 professors vary greatly depending on the state.
In most states, no salary levels are specified. Only the German State, Bavaria, Hesse and Saxony reward professional experience as a professor with a regular salary increase after five or seven years. Like their colleagues, Professors at universities of applied sciences may also be remunerated according to salary groups W2 and W3. However, W3 at universities of applied science is rare. Additional performance bonuses are also possible here, but the scope for negotiation is much narrower than at a university.
Those who intend to switch from a well-paid position in the private sector to a technical college should be aware of this. With the introduction of the W salary, the federal states aimed to take the seniority of professors into account when determining their salaries.
However, the German State, Bavaria, Hesse and Saxony provide salary levels that are linked to the experience levels of researchers. The German State and Bavaria differentiate between three salary levels, whereby Level 1 and Level 2 each mark seven years of experience. Hesse, on the other hand, provides for five salary scales, each with a five-year term. In Saxony, there are four stages, each with a five-year term. The federal and state governments have defined a maximum age limit for full-time civil service.
Anyone appointed to the professorship after reaching this limit is generally no longer licensed or employed as a member of staff. This means that the employee and employer pay contributions to the social security system on a pro rata basis. Salaried professors should therefore ensure that the net remuneration of these taxes is no less than that of professors working as civil servants. Appointment and retention benefits may be granted if a university has a particular interest in attracting or retaining a professor.
They can be paid on a single occasion or monthly. They are agreed during the course of the appointment or retention negotiations. The performance bonuses are also included in the appointment and retention negotiations. These are granted for special services, such as high external fundraising, publications in professional journals, a high number of exams.
The maximum level of these additional benefits is governed by the salary legislation Besoldungsgesetz , the national benefits regulations Leistungsbezuegeverordnungen and the respective guidelines of the universities. The functional performance bonuses are in turn paid to those in senior positions within the context of academic self-government, such as rectors, presidents and deans. Some universities specify fixed rates, while others freely negotiate the level of these functional performance bonuses.
Some countries pay additional basic benefits to ensure that they remain competitive in the science system. These are specified in the state's salary legislation, together with the amount to be paid. No additional services are as yet associated with these additional payments. When the junior professorship was created, there was no provision for junior professors to receive performance bonuses.
The extent to which these additional bonuses are available is set out in the respective salary legislation of each state. According to this legislation, it is in particular possible for junior professors who have successfully raised third-party funds from private and non-public sources to claim a non-pensionable performance bonus. However, some states now also provide additional performance bonuses for special services in research, teaching and the promotion of young talent.
Similarly to the appointment performance bonuses for W2 and W3 professors, junior professors can receive a monthly special supplement, particularly if there are concerns that a post cannot be filled by a sufficiently qualified junior professor. If the W basic salary is increased as a result of new salary legislation, this also has an impact on the originally agreed performance-related allowances.
These are not simply added to the new basic salary, but are offset. The respective billing key is defined in the respective state or the Federal Civil Service Remuneration Act Bundesbesoldungsgesetz.
German professors are civil servants so national legislation fixes their salaries according to state. An associate professor lektor earns a median of 44, SEK per month, while a professor makes a median of 60, SEK per month. Swiss academic are the highest in Europe. They are by each canton province and by law. Full professors make , to , CHF per year. Full Professors with chair appointment make , to , CHF annually.
Full professors make , to , CHF annually. In Denmark, faculty salaries are determined by contracts negotiated between academic unions and the government. Assistant professors earn an average of 38, DKR per month. Since French universities are public and state run, academics who hold permanent positions are civil servants. The government sets their salaries, which do not vary from institution and discipline.
The salary levels are broken down by class and seniority. Belgian academic salaries are based on seniority time from completion of PhD. Norwegian academic salaries are determined according to collective agreements between unions and state authorities. Within the salary scale, academic rank and seniority determines compensation.
An associate professor earns a median of 40, NOK monthly and the median monthly salary for a professor is 50, NOK. Academic salaries in Finland are set under a collective agreement.
The Chronicle of Higher Education also has a database of individual faculty salaries for more than 4, institutions based on information collected by the U.
Education Department. Find hundreds of available professor positions on Academic Positions. Your job alert was successfully created. For recruiters. Published 3 years ago. Germany German professors are civil servants so national legislation fixes their salaries according to state.
Switzerland Swiss academic are the highest in Europe. Denmark In Denmark, faculty salaries are determined by contracts negotiated between academic unions and the government. France Since French universities are public and state run, academics who hold permanent positions are civil servants. Belgium Belgian academic salaries are based on seniority time from completion of PhD.
Discover hundreds of academic jobs Share this article. University of Luxembourg. University of Nottingham. By [[ author ]]. No results found for. Search tip. Featured employer. Generally, your academic department will review your application materials and make a recommendation to the Dean of the college.
The ultimate decision maker is the Provost or Academic Vice President. Some institutions accept grant acquisition or a book publication as additional evidence of scholarly activities. Instead, tenure is an earned privilege that provides lifetime job security. You can begin applying for tenure, six years, into your professional journey. The rank of full professor is the top promotional level in academic teaching.
Here are just a few important pieces of an application to become a full professor:. Earning potential varies by academic discipline. A study by the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources revealed stark differences in pay based upon academic content areas. Here are just a few examples of an average tenure track salary by discipline:.
Pay varies between a large, research institution and a community college. A tenured professor salary is impacted by the location of the institution. If you choose an urban center, be prepared to pay more for living expenses. Similarly, a rural area will have a lower cost of living. Be sure to factor living expenses against your rate of pay, before accepting a position. Teaching extra courses can increase a tenured professor salary.
Most institutions limit faculty to three or four courses per semester. An unexpected vacancy or increase in student interest may necessitate a call for faculty to assume a heavier course load. Tenured or full professors often have the right of first refusal for overload teaching.
Extra compensation is calculated based upon the course credits and the rate of pay of the selected professor. Generally, a tenure track professorship is a nine-month job. One way to increase a tenure track salary is to teach during the summer.