For the sake of this article, I will include all 3 of these groups in the category of prophet for now. This obviously excludes false prophets, which is a whole other topic altogether. It may be a bit unpleasant at the time, but it is ultimately for your good. Having said that, I probably get positive words before getting 1 revealing one about a sin, so they are in the minority. Seeing as God is not bound by time or space, the words are always correct. It is absolutely amazing when you give someone a word that means very little to you, and they burst out crying because they asked God a question that morning, and your word was the answer!
The way that get words is very similar to how prophets hear, except ironically fortune tellers I believe often hear it clearer than prophets do, so faith in what you believe is not such a big issue.
Where do the fortune tellers get their words from? They usually say that they have a spirit guide, or they have a spirit by name, which provides them with their information. Now there are various scriptures which warn us about fortune tellers, horoscopes and tarot card readers and the like, but why? Why does scripture tell us to stay away from them? I believe that it is a simple answer, spirit guides are nothing more than demons. You mean like the things that make people crab walk and turn their heads backwards?
Yes, but life is not always like Hollywood. I have delivered a few people from demons, and have only seen minor manifestations like eyelids fluttering and them telling me to stop praying.
It is not all or nothing, you are not either possessed or not, there are loads of stages in between. Again, this is a topic for another day. Does this mean that fortune tellers are evil? Most of them have discovered that they have a gift and they are trying to use it the best that they can.
They are trying to help people and they are trying to make the most of the gift that they have. Rather we should listen to Jesus, who said, "your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. Editor's note: You can sign up to receive an email every time a new Signs of the Times column is posted. Sign up here. Send your thoughts and reactions to Letters to the Editor.
Learn more here. Join now. Signs of the Times. Prophets are social critics not fortunetellers Feb 11, Sign up for emails from Fr. Tom Reese. Email address. Join the Conversation Send your thoughts and reactions to Letters to the Editor. Opinion Prophets are social critics not fortunetellers.
Most Recent Mother Cabrini Nov 11, Franciscan says her vocation put her on path to 'peace, joy, happiness' Nov 11, Right click this link to download video. Answer by Dr. Gregory R. Advanced Search Go. Search Term Type any of these words all of these words exact phrase. Improve this question. F'x Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Fortunetelling more strictly means perceiving someone's good or bad fortune. Your future will be happy. Your future looks cloudy.
A prophecy is more likely to go into much more detail: The king will return on May 31st. You will die before your brother. Improve this answer. Community Bot 1. MrHen MrHen An example of a story where a prophet successfully inspired positive change is Jonah and Ninevah. Jonah was sort of bummed he didn't get to see divine retribution. This is mainly irrelevant to the question at hand, and assumes the validity of sectarian theology.