Task deadlines are present in RTOS. Time response of OS is not deterministic. Time response of OS is deterministic. Kernel is non-preemptive or has long non-preemptive code sections.
Kernel is pre-emptive either completely or up to maximum degree. Behaviour of GPOS is not predictable. Behaviour of RTOS is predictable. Depending on application we cannot customise GPOS. No scalable. Depending on application we can customise RTOS.
It does not optimises the memory resources. It optimises the memory resources. GPOS has high interrupt latency. RTOS has low interrupt latency. It might complete the procedure without glitches or may even hang during it since several tasks are being executed in parallel. Tasks must be completed within the strict deadlines and in parallel, in order for the system to honor the SLA. For example, in an automatic air-bag control system, as soon as the vehicle senses a sharp jerk, the air-bags should be activated without the delay of even a second.
This is because even a milli-second of delay can lead to a serious injury for the driver. While evaluating an embedded RTOS that can perfectly fulfill the business and technology requirements of an embedded application, your team should ensure that the RTOS in considerations supports a set of critical features.
The procedure involves several steps that should be carried out with care in order to make the system function smoothly. If any missing links are found, you might need to either switch to a different RTOS kernel or use some kind of middleware to ensure compatibility.
But selecting the two is only a part of the process. This will ensure that once the system starts working, data and information exchange happens without glitches. Device Driver Development Once all compatibility checks and required configurations have been done, the appropriate device drivers need to be developed for the target system. End-to-end application development Now that all the conditions and pre-requisites for building a fully-functional embedded system with RTOS as the core is met.
The next step is development of full-fledged embedded application. Debugging the application And finally, once the embedded application development is complete, you can progress to debugging the application using set of debugging tools.
For a detailed monitoring of the run-time behavior and performance of the RTOS based embedded system, as mentioned in the above section, developers prefer execution tracing tools during debugging. A Few Final Thoughts. As the market expectations for real-time responsiveness from modern embedded systems show a steep increase , usage of an RTOS as become more than a necessity than a desirable option.
In addition to real-time responsiveness, an RTOS powers such embedded systems with several advantages like low-memory footprint, deterministic task handling, optimal resource usage, and extensive multithreading capabilities. Do you have any questions, suggestions or comments? Enjoy the experience, without worrying about your data! Most of them use preemptive scheduling which is based on priority level. GPOS is a type of operating system which is designed to perform general tasks that are not time-critical.
For example, creating documents in MS office, playing music or videos, etc. Scheduling in these systems is not always priority-based. A process with less priority can be executed first.