What is the difference between lomi lomi and kahuna

Set to music, Kahuna Bodywork resembles a passionate dance that flows over and across your body. Healers use hands, fingers, arms and shoulders to employ common techniques of rhythmic pulling, pushing and long flowing strokes.

Each practitioner adds their personalised styles as they intuitively cater for what your body needs; anything from strong and intense pressure to calm and nurturing movements. As a result, patients feel rocked, soothed and cradled in the arms of the practitioner and their music. The flowing sounds, rhythmic strokes and deep breathing allow you to relax, let go and soak up positive energy.

From decreasing muscle soreness and improving sleep to easing anxiety and eradicating energetic exhaustion, each and every person will experience an array of positive effects from Kahuna Bodywork. Whether it be greater clarity on decisions or directions in life, holistic physical healing or deep spiritual transformation, these wonderful practices can bring you what you seek. Kaya Slater. Recent Posts See All. Whatever happens: reset and redirect energies.

Moving from your centre requires balance and flexibility, and constant refinement. They also need to constantly explore their capabilities so they can practice with dignity and trust while guiding their clients on their journey of discovery. Learn more about Hawaiian Massage here. Or find best practitioners of Hawaiian Massage near you. Get endless health and wellness articles, healthy and easy to make recipes, latest health trends and useful tips delivered right to your inbox! Interviews Last Updated Jul 16, What does kahuna mean and what are its origins?

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See more. Describing the massage as "a journey to emotional and spiritual healing", Sands says her first experience left her feeling totally relaxed. You are completely in a state of bliss. You feel very whole within yourself. Depending on her mood, different music is chosen. If you want to be motivated, they'll play a motivational tape.

If you want to feel relaxed, they'll play classical music. At other times they'll play traditional Hawaiian music. It's my favourite.


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