After all, the two met and fell in love while their characters Julie Olson and Doug Williams were falling in love on-screen. They married in real life in and Doug and Julie first got together in You can check out secrets 1 and 2 below, but make sure to check out the entire platform and project here.
Share your thoughts via the comment section below. Meanwhile, Officer Chen and Officer Bradford demand a treasure hunt rematch and enlist Officer Grey to help set the terms to a new bet, all while they arrest a series of wealthy female criminals.
Elsewhere, Wesley struggles to keep it together under the pressure of his debt to Elijah. Looks to us that Mary Beth is playing one of those wealthy female criminal mentioned in the synopsis … or is she?
Stay tuned. Comment below. Like sands through the hourglass … Salem continues to live on through all of the romance, heartache, drama, action-adventure, and camp, as today the long-running NBC soap opera turns years-old. DAYS first aired back on November 8th, and was the brainchild of Ted and Betty Corday, and through the years notable soap scribes such as the legendary Irna Phillips, Bill Bell, James Reilly, and more have crafted the stories that fans have loved.
Now, head writer, Ron Carlivati and his team continue to weave the tales which presently revitalized the demonic possession story of 25 years ago with a new slant to it. The series continue to focus on the drama of the Brady and the Horton families, as well as the DiMera and Kiriakis clans, and more. Ken Corday continues to serve as the series executive producer with Albert Alaar as its co-executive producer.
The series will celebrate its latest milestone with its fans for its upcoming virtual Day of Days event on Friday, November 19th. Connect with us. Share Tweet. Leave a comment 31 Comments. Most reacted comment. Hottest comment thread. Recent comment authors. James R. Tim S. Come on Ronnie.!!!! Great Job so far! Any more Lockhearts show up and I come up there and start throwing pitchforks around! I wonder who she will be involved with!
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From Gigi to Mimi, always a pleasure to write for Ms. Until next time Were you hoping to see more of the character? We want to hear from you -- and there are many ways you can share your thoughts. Lost password? Email changed? Search the Site. Who's Who : Read a biography of Mimi Lockhart. Find out what's ahead this week on DAYS.