Lifewire Technology Review Board Member. Article reviewed on Aug 07, Tweet Share Email. Email Gmail Yahoo! From your Gmail contacts, you can create mailing groups , export or import contacts, and merge data your contacts choose to share. Was this page helpful? Thanks for letting us know! Email Address Sign up There was an error. Please try again. You're in! Do I have contacts in Gmail? How can I find my contacts in Gmail? You can find your contacts in Gmail also known as your Google Contacts a few different ways: Option 1: Click on this link.
Am I using the old or the new version of Google Contacts? Old version: New version: How many different contact lists does Google create for me? Here are the steps to revert back to the old version of Google Contacts: 1. Click on More left-hand side dashboard 2. Click 'Leave the contacts preview'. How do I add contacts from other lists to 'My Contacts' in Google? What are Google's contact storage limits?
The total number of contacts in a Google account must be 25, or less. Check out this article to learn more about exporting your Google contacts. Once a year I do a charity bike ride for which my fundraising activity has gotten quite extensive. I have a group in Google Contacts not a Google Group that is my fundraising target group and it has people in it. Many of those people have multiple e-mail addresses work, personal, more personal and I want to send to all.
I always assumed in the past when I put the group name into the bcc: field, it sent to all the addresses but it is now unclear to me if that is the case.
It seems like to use GMASS I have to download all of those contacts into a spreadsheet, do some cleanup and then upload. I downloaded the add on for GMASS and would be happy to pay during the fundraising every year August to November but I still have the issue of how do I use all the email addresses associated with these people and how to add to the group over time without a lot of work.
Paul Darden was accused to murder when he was only fifteen many years previous. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Looking to access your Gmail contact list? Step 2 Click on the Google Contacts icon. Step 3 Once you click on the icon, your Gmail contact list page will appear. Here are the steps to access your contacts list from the Google homepage: Step 1 Go to the Google homepage and click on the Google Apps icon on the upper right corner. Step 2 Click on the Contacts icon. Step 3 And voila! Step 2 Click on the Create Contact button on the top left. Step 3 Once you click on Create Contact , you will get the option to choose between adding a single contact or multiple contacts.
Step 4 An empty contact form will appear, as shown in the image below. Step 2 Click on the Add to Contacts icon, and the person will be added to your Google contact list. You can also add several labels to one contact and add them to multiple groups.
Step 5: Explore what else you can do with your contacts There's a lot more you can do on the contacts page. Let's have a closer look. Frequently contacted and duplicates First, you can see the people you email the most frequently, under the "frequently contacted" tab on the left sidebar menu.
Other ways to manage Gmail contacts - "frequently contacted" and "duplicates" Next, you can check for any duplicate contacts in the "duplicates" tab. Labels You can also create groups of contacts you frequently email - like your team at work, your family members, besties, and so on.
The label tab in Gmail contacts Now, when you go to your contacts and hover over a contact's profile image, it'll turn into a checkbox. How to create a label like a group in Gmail contacts Next, click the "manage labels" tab at the top, and select the label you'd like to use: The "manage labels" tab in Gmail contacts Once you select that label, all those checked contacts will be added to it for you future emailing bliss.
Deleting a contact If, for some reason, you'd like to delete someone from your contacts, it's quite simple.
Importing and exporting contacts You might want to import new contacts en masse, and you can do that using the import function in that same left toolbar menu. Simply click the "import" button, and then select a list of contact you'd like to import into Gmail in CSV or vCard format : How to import contacts in Gmail You follow a similar process if you want to export your Gmail contacts as a CSV or Outlook file: How to export contacts in Gmail Simple as that!
Shortcuts There are a couple super quick and easy way to get to your contacts. If you're not already in Gmail, just visit contacts. You can even bookmark it for easy access. If you are already in Gmail, you can use a keyboard shortcut if you have them enabled - check in your settings menu. Just type G followed immediately by C and the contacts page will open up.