If you are the owner of the number or if you have additional information on the company, please use special company listing for more details. Help - your name Your name will be published next to your rating. You can use your real name, your first name or a pseudonym. If you don't know the name of the company, you can simply give the full name of the caller.
If both are unknown, you may leave this field empty. Help - caller Choose the category that most describes the type of call. The tellows score will then be calculated with reference to the category, representing the potential risk of a phone number. Further information about all caller types on tellows. Help - your rating Rate a call.
The higher the rating, the more annoying was the call: other users should be aware of this number. Help - comment In this field you are free to make any comments about your experience with this number. Please try not to use any insulting vocabulary - even if it's hard. Otherwise we will be obliged to remove your comment. Help - Are you human? We have to assure that this form cannot be filled in by 'spambots' This field is not case sensitive.
Dial the phone number in Kimberley. To call a telephone number in Kimberley from South Africa, simply: 1. To call a telephone number in Kimberley from Canada, simply: 1.
Dial International Access Code for Canada: 2. To call a telephone number in Kimberley from the UK, simply: 1. To call a telephone number in Kimberley from the India, simply: 1. Dial International Access Code for India: 00 2. To call a telephone number in Kimberley from the US, simply: 1.