Where is lynbrook victoria

The nearest more populous place is the village of Cranbourne South which is 9. Do you know what facilities are available at Lynbrook? Contribute your knowledge by clicking here. Do you know what recreational activities are available at Lynbrook? Are you a keen gardener? Do you know what edible garden plants grow at Lynbrook? Do you know whether any feral animals, insects and weeds have invaded Lynbrook? Do you have a photo of Lynbrook gathering cyber dust on your hard drive?

Why not upload it and share your information with other Bonzle users. Click here to view recently uploaded photos from other users or browse thousands of pictures grouped by themes in Bonzle collections. Here are some examples:. Not the 'Lynbrook' you were after? Try the other Lynbrook the regional area in Victoria. There are ample walking and bike tracks in the area. Lynbrook has many benefits and on weekends you can see many families, from many cultures using the parks and facilities in harmony.

All up, Lynbrook is a great place to live! They also host a number of Community Events to bring the community together to create a sense of belonging and community in Lynbrook.

Some history: Lynbrook Primary School opened in January with an initial enrolment of students, and students in Map - Lynbrook Lynbrook. Map-Lynbrook, Victoria. Map - Australia. Flag of Australia. Only one issue i experienced was loss of internet connection recently. Lovely place to grow kids; plenty childcare options and primary school. Coles, local post office and nice coffee place in Lynbrook Sc also medical centre. Its been growing solid and stable.

Lynbrookean knows what to do if South Gippsland is heavy use Northy Road. We moved here from Mordialloc which we loved but couldn't afford to buy in a year ago.

We love: - the space, size and quality house we could get for our money - the friendly people see the Lynbrook Residents Association website for the awesome community events, usually at Banjo Paterson Reserve, and the Lynbrook Social Facebook page - the convenience of walking through beautiful parks and past the lake to the train station, a lovely way to start the day, or easy car parking if it's raining.

Also the local state high schools seem to be improving. Only a very slight smell when there's a strong easterly wind, which happens about once every couple of months, usually for a couple of days in a row, then no smell again for ages.

Rather than the annoying 03 In some parts of Lyndhurst and all of Cranbourne I think? Suburban Grind cafe also does fantastic food and drinks. Shame they're not allowed to open in evenings. Apparently the area used to be an aboriginal settlement. They're maintained by Casey Council.

We we haven't loved: - the traffic on the South Gippsland Hwy in peak hour We take the train into town so it only effects us when not working and needing to go out at those times - the single line train track between Dandenong and Cranbourne. So even with the upgrade in the train lines, the number of trains cannot increase very much.

The local Greens MP has it on his agenda to duplicate the track at least Who knows! There are heaps of buses which will be handy when the kids are teenagers We love our new area and we love having a bigger block of land than what we could get for the same price with a house and land package much further out, away from the city in Berwick or Cranbourne East etc Also, I don't think those areas would have as nice a community village feel as we do here :??

Hope this helps! It's a great place but the lynbrook residents association are just a front for stooge council candidates..

Be wary of their politics. What can I say, it has everything you could want. Maybe need to upsize the home, but the next home will be here in Lynbrook! Lots of similar young families, community events by the LRA amazing people and leading edge schools, medical facilities and great assortment of shopping and food!

Wouldn't want to live anywhere else! Hi, could you tell me how long does it take for you to commute between lynbrook-city vice versa by train or car?

Lynbrook definitely a great place to be living, the first concern for community of course is Safety as priority, as far myself is staying in this surburb our safe is being secured.

Yet, in term of facilities and public transport station is getting developing well in Lynbrook area, very convenient for both services. Lastly i believe price of land is rising significantly in Lynbrook!

It's an area that lets you feel welcome by the fact that every where you go you or your children run into people you know, and more importantly like. Everyone helps each other out, never asking for help if it isn't needed , and never asking for thanks if you receive help. The best example is the Lynbrook residential association.

Everyone on the board does not receive any money, but what they get is great events organised for there community. Safe and quiet. Lynbrook is a upcoming suburub in south eastern melbourne.

It is soon becoming a sought after place to reside. With the new train station daily commutation to CBD has become quite easy. Travel by car is also convienient. It is just 10 minutes drive and you are on M1.

Good primary school, decent shopping center to cater to daily needs, childcare, extended medical center facility makes living a treat. Friendly place with neighbours caring for each other. It is surely the next hot spot in years. There's a lot of obvious things to like about Lynbrook such as the good parks, the new train station, the quiet safe streets.

What isn't obvious is some of the outstanding features such as the bicycle paths connecting all the schools, transport, and shops. That's the sort of thing which you don't normally see outside the inner suburbs. The local shops provide all the essential services such as groceries, banking, doctors, and dentistry. The choice for dining and takeaway food could be better but what is there is decent.

If you want to go just a bit further away there's a bicycle path which goes from the shops to the Lynbrook Hotel. Being just one train station away from Dandenong means your a very easy car free trip away from more food and shopping options. Lynbrook is a fast growing suburb. From the shopping centre to the child care facilities this suburb offers you everything you need and the best thing is its all within a 5 minute drive of each other. Your next to the South Gippsland Hwy yet you cant hear a thing!!

With the shopping centre expanding you barely have to leave the suburb which means you dont have to take long trips in traffic. There is enough parking for you and visitors to park throughout the suburb and the shopping centre parking is great with not only alot of parks available but they have allocated "mums with prams"and "wheelchair"parking availble also which is very handy, as Lynbrook has alot of small families.

With the train station underway and a gym set to be built Lynbrook definately has alot to offer but hurry prices seem to be on the rise!! A nice place to be. All facilities and major roads near by. I bought this home of average size. My friend bought town house in a court. He had difficulties in parking and friends coming to his place with no enough parking. It could even start some aggression between neighbours. So my advice avoid town house in court location.

Put some extra 20K and buy a home standing alone and worth in the long run with peace of mind and Price. Enjoy here with beautiful park ,Cricket ground ,Schools ,Station ,post office, fast foods the list goes on…….

As everyone has stated Lynbrook is a great place to live in.


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