Where is remington r1 made

The next I buy will most likely be the SS R1. I own an enhanced model of the R1 with the extended beavertail, and the adjustable trigger as well as a crimson trace grip and the fiber optic front sight. After installing a compensator and a Wilson combat trigger, I love the feel of the shot, and the comp helps with the muzzle flip.

There were a few rounds where the bullet was actually mashed down inside the casing. I sent it to the gun smith they recommended and when I got it back, you could see where they dremeled the feed ramp. Instead of it jamming on every round, it would jam every few rounds. You mentioned the finish, I was carrying this and was caught in a rain storm, by the time I got home, which was 2 hours later, there was visible rust near the safety, inside the trigger guard, near the rear sight and on the slide near the ejection port.

Do you know if the receiver and frame are forged steel? Do you know what kind of steel they are made from? If these two components are NOT forged, are they milled from billet or investment castings?

I love the military It is a very good and safe pistol. Easy to use and clean. Would not trade it for anything. Oh and stopping power is impressive. I purchased an R1 enhanced Simply put, a pistol similar to the Remington R-1 is quite possibly a better product than a gun costing two to four times the price, in terms of reliability and value. My Colt Government Model in. Though a commercial, initially, not a target pistol, the only changes made to the gun were done in the first months of ownership, including the substitution of a National Match barrel and bushing, an adjustable rear sight and tuning to attain a smoother 3.

Army armorer at no cost. I love my R1. As it is all stainless steel, it does carry some weight. Bottom line is, if you carry for defensive purposes, carry something that will handle the task.

There are a number of reliable. The recoil is more controllable than they are given credit for. It has outperformed every. I purchased one of these a few years ago. I agree it is a nicely fit and finished pistol. However my assessment of the pistol from there on does not agree with yours. It seems to lack some of the finer refinements of my old warhorse.

The trigger is terrible in it. Seems like you have to squeeze it the entire length of a football field to make it fire, and it is a heavy pull and not smooth at all. Accuracy is nothing like my old I have fired all kinds of ammo through it from Prvi-Partizan to Remington to my own grain lead wadcutters. It does seem to fire about everything. I apologize that this does not fit with your theme to promote the sales of these pistols, but it is honest and accurate with what I have found.

Maybe with a few thousand more rounds through it it might loosen-up a bit and get better, but these are my observations. I have had jamming issues with my R1. I have tried different ammo. It jams the most when I have a full mag with 1 in the pipe.

I am still trying to figure if I just send it into Remington or just try to run a few boxes through it and see if it works this bug out or take it to a Smith. It was bought new and I would like to carry it, but it is not as reliable as my Glock Time limit exceeded. Leave a Comment Your discussions, feedback and comments are welcome here as long as they are relevant and insightful. Please be respectful of others. We reserve the right to edit as appropriate, delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments or posts, and block repeat offenders.

All comments are held for moderation and will appear after approval. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. He holds a degree in Criminal Justice but is an autodidact in matters important to his readers.

Last edited by udrv2slw; at PM. It's been flawless for over rds now. It's one of the best platforms for doing builds from. That's using Russian wolf ammo too. L've been very happy with mine. For the money, it's hard to do better. Short vid of mine. Udrv2slw - YouTube YouTube. Last edited by udrv2slw; at AM.

I dug 2 of mine out of the safe - both fun to shoot. My son and I each have a standard R1. Each has been absolutely reliable. They are great guns. I bought a R1 in early , no complaints. It was reliable and accurate right out of the box, and after several thousand rounds it's still running great.

Only changes I've made are Ahrends grips and a arched steel mainspring housing. A friend of mine likes the R1's so much he's bought three of them. Who am I to disagree? I have the upgraded carry full size and its been flawless. I have a gun shop up the road from me selling the basic one for I looked at one and the trigger was great every week I thick about getting one from them man is hard to pass up and I have 4 , s now.

I looked at and considered the R1 but I don't particularly like the bulky rear sight. I much prefer the snag free Novak style. Originally Posted by udrv2slw. I've been seriously looking into the Remington R1 Enhanced Commanders, they seem to have all the features I want.

However I haven't found one to handle locally. I'm a bit hesitant to order one online before I handle one in person. He didn't own a hand gun, thought he should have a house gun and bought the Rem The only handgun he ever fired. The clerk at Cabelas told him to strip it down and clean it before shooting. He did, but couldn't get it back together. I had a tuff time getting it together. The insides looked like they were milled with an aze. I was under the impression these pistols were made in Turkey.

That's the only one I ever fooled with, I have no experience with newer models. I have a video of a firearm i just received. Its not a pistol but i think many of you may appreciate what it is Remington th anniversary model limited edition unboxing - YouTube.

I lived in Herkimer for a while. Best wishes to Remington and their employees. Shame Cuomo is such a dork. Your is a lot of pistol for the money. Terms of Service. All times are GMT The time now is AM. User Name. Remember Me? Thread Tools. Just not in the budget. There a few to choose from but I was reluctant at their quality.

I couldn't resist. It was a very good quality firearm at a not bad price, I thought. Exactly want I wanted a no frills with a few modern touches. Attached Images. The Following 18 Users Like Post:. View Public Profile. Find all posts by vsraptor. Find all threads started by vsraptor. Visit vsraptor photo album. Engineer US Veteran. Find all posts by Engineer Find all threads started by Engineer Visit Engineer photo album.

BigCityChief Member. Find all posts by BigCityChief. Find all threads started by BigCityChief. Visit BigCityChief photo album. Find all posts by Texas Star. Find all threads started by Texas Star. Visit Texas Star photo album. BigCityChief , CH4 , lawandorder , loknload , sigp Find all posts by -db-. Find all threads started by -db-. Visit -db- photo album. Stevie Member.

Posts: 1, Likes: 5 Liked Times in Posts. Find all posts by Stevie. Find all threads started by Stevie. Visit Stevie photo album. InigoMontoya Member. Find all posts by InigoMontoya. Find all threads started by InigoMontoya. Visit InigoMontoya photo album. Find all posts by bigmoose. Find all threads started by bigmoose. Remington has operations in North Carolina.

Ruger opened a new plant in North Carolina. Steyr Arms opened a showroom and distribution center in Bessemer. And of course there is the manufacturing plant in Huntsville. With the celebrated announcement in , Remington began to shut down older plants elsewhere and ship jobs to Alabama.

Guns of Alabama. Today Alabamians assemble three distinct firearms in Huntsville. There is the R1 handgun, mainly produced in. Remington says: "America's most trusted pistol, remastered by Remington for peak shootability.

And stopping danger in its tracks. There is the AR platform, the body of a modern sporting rifle. The similar AR-style rifles manufactured in Huntsville, according to Remington, include the Bushmaster modern sporting rifle and the DPMS modern sporting rifle and the Remington modern sporting rifle. And finally there is the RM Huntsville's pocket pistol. The Remington RM is a small gun, fits easily in a hand.

The trigger is double action, meaning it's a long trigger pull, and it's not easy for the untrained to hit the target at 25 feet.

At Larry's, a young couple reels in paper targets shaded with comic book armed robbers. But there's no need for taping up the target when firing off the RM After more than a dozen rounds, there are no holes in the free bullseye, and only two on the cardboard frame around it.

The RM, according to Larry Barnett, is best handled by holding it in the middle of your body, centering it, and aiming where you point your nose. The sights are minimal.


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