Excel can be set read only with various options. In this article, we list all the possible cases and its related solutions to let you know how to remove read only from Excel in various cases. One of the reasons why the Excel document you have is read-only is because it has been marked as final by the editor. If this is the case, you should see a message on top of the document saying "Marked as Final". When a document is marked as final, it will essentially be impossible to make any changes to it.
You can't type, edit or even proof the document in this state. But it is also easy to remove. Simply click on the "Edit Anyway" button at the end of the message and you'll be able to disable the read only in Excel. Another situation to know that an Excel document is in read-only mode is that you will be prompted to open the document in read-only mode unless you need to make changes to it. If you don't want to make changes to the document, simply click "Yes".
And if you would like to edit the document, simply click "No" to open it. If you want to unlock excel file from read only, follow these simple steps: Step 1: When you first open the Excel document and you get the message offering you three options to open the read-only document, simply click on "Yes" to open the file in read-only mode.
This displays a Context menu. Choose Open Read Only from the Context menu. Author Bio. Erasing Table Lines When creating tables, Word provides a handy tool that you can use. Discover More. Formatting an ASCII Table with Tabs If you get a document from a coworker that has tabs used to line up tabular information, you might want to change that Disabling Dragging and Dropping Excel allows you to easily paste information into a worksheet, including through simply dragging and dropping the More ExcelTips menu.
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Links and Sharing. About Tips. By Grant Updated May 23, Select No when prompted to open the Excel worksheet as read-only. Choose File, followed by Save As and Browse. Under General, find the Read-only Recommended check box and uncheck it.
Click OK and finish saving the document. When the Password dialogue box pops up, choose the option to open as Read Only. Go to File and select Save As followed by Browse. From there, click Tools and choose General Options. Delete the entry in the Password to Modify box and click OK. Open the new Excel file instead of the old one. Go to your Mac's Finder and search for the Excel file you want to change.
Select the file and either right-click the file or go to File from the Finder top menu. Click Get Info. From there, uncheck the Locked box. Reopen the file, which should now be editable. Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn't match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information.
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