Viki is a mysterious girl who possesses the powers of the Blinking Rune. She comments on how she's apparently been teleported nearly to the other side of the planet on this jump, and seeks assistance from Tir, who grants it, in return benefiting from Viki's teleportation powers. And while they prove useful and time saving, they don't come without risk, as Viki has a habit of sending them to the wrong location by accident from time to time.
Following the end of the war, a failed teleportation attempt causes her to disappear without a trace. Viki encounters Riou in the Path to Matilda.
She once again offers her teleportation services, which is again a double edged sword, for occasionally she'll teleport the party to the wrong location, although in at least one instance the party manages to profit from this when teleported to the second floor of an item shop in Radat. Some of her other teleportation antics include an accidental trip to the men's bath, and dropping an octopus into the lake when one tried to accost her.
Viki once again finds herself unwittingly blinked away once the war has ended. Viki's teleportation results in her falling into the Mountain Path between the Grasslands and Harmonia. This time she joins the Fire Bringer 's army for shelter. During this time the existence of Young Viki , who is visibly younger than Viki, but also appears to be much less scatterbrained.
Viki once again disappears in a teleporting mishap. It's believed that at this point she has teleported herself back in time to her appearance in the Island Unification War. This marks Viki's first appearance in the chronological time line. Viki encounters Razro when she inadvertently teleports herself to Nay Island 's suspension bridge. She falls under Razro's care for the duration of the war , during which she thinks she recognizes Jeane. Viki encounters Prince Freyjadour Falenas by appearing in front of him at the entrance of the Ceras Lake Ruins as they were leaving, once again confused as to her location in space or time.
Viki offers her teleporting powers in return for the Prince's protection, which he readily provides. Viki's temporal confusion becomes even more apparent, as once again she feels that she recognizes Jeane, and Lorelai insists that she and Viki have met before at the Twilight Ruins , although Viki has no knowledge of this, implying she apparently will travel there later in her journey.
Viki's odd habit of sleeping standing up is also noted, especially when Wilhelm tries to sneak up to Viki to draw on her face, and ends up teleported away for his efforts.
Viki once again finds herself at a victory banquet, however she makes the mistake of glancing at the sun, causing her to sneeze and once again disappears into the ether. Viki speaks to Tir when she teleports herself to the forest path , where he can offer to recruit her. Viki appears in the Path to Matilda , where she can again be recruited just by speaking to her. Viki is a powerful magic rune user and a good addition to the battle party, if you are very lucky.
This can damage your group badly, because of Viki's high magic skill. She's a bit more limited with rune customization over some of the other mages due to her Blinking Rune being permanently attached to a slot. Viki has her permanently attached Blinking Rune.
With her magic power, any magic rune is recommended, as well as a Blue Gate Rune on her forehead. Head Up!! It looks like this chick isn't even from this continent. I think she only wound up here cause of one of her crazy teleport mistakes. Could it be teleport shock?
She said that just before she came here, she was celebrating the birth of the Toran Republic. But that was 3 years ago. I'm sorry about the letter I've sent you before. I've mistaken you for somebody else. I made a slight teleporting error earlier. I was aiming for the restaurant, but I wound up in the men's bath. Boy were they surprised! She gets high ranks in in her signature rune skill as well as Water and Wind Magic. One of her best attributes is being one of a handful of competent mages who naturally gains the Pale Gate Rune Skill making her a powerhouse with the right set-up.
Skills Suikoden III. Viki can participate in both the Set! Any magic rune is well used with her, and again she's a good wielder of the Pale Gate Rune. When she sneezes, she teleports things around her. If she starts to act funny, you'd better run away! Once, she teleported and caught another person up with her!
He found himself unexpectedly in a strange room. How frightening! Hello, Nash. Sorry I got you involved when we were trying to teleport. Did you get home safely? On Nay Island , Razro meets Viki on the way to the settlement.
On the way back Viki can be recruited. Viki remains a solid magic rune user. While she lacks a high proficiency with any elements she has an above average rune affinity across the board with every element, making her a versatile mage that only Maxine can match in the middle sections of the game.
She's a strong and flexible mage for most of the game. Viki has a Good Will with Millay and Rita. Please call me if you have any problems. I may be able to help you. I may not. Yours truly, Viki. I gave him a fresh fish, and he got mad at me! I guess Nay-Kobolds aren't the same as kitty cats. From, Viki. That ghost ship How to: Just head to the second floor in Dunan Castle and enter the room right next to where the Journeyman Crystal is located.
It's north of Two River. The students there just love to study I hear. Then walk your way to Greenhill, just northwest from Two River. You want to go to Matilda? Best be careful, sonny. How to: Go to Matilda-Greenhill border by taking the northeastern path from Greenhill. If you're going to Muse, you'd better be careful. The Matilda-Muse checkpoint is southeast of Rockaxe castle. You were at Rockaxe castle, home of the Matilda Knights? Poor baby! You look so tired.
You should go straight to bed and get some rest. How to: Head to Riou's bedroom and take a sleep. The location of his room may change as the castle's level goes up. In level 1, it's on the left room on the second floor just right next to the Journeyman Crystal. In level 2, it's on the right room on the third floor.
In level 3, it's on the fifth floor's only room that will eventually have an extension on the left as the castle's level goes up further. Why don't you take a nice stroll around the castle grounds.
It'll be good exercise for you. How to: Just head to Dunan Castle's entrance gate to trigger an event with Sheena. You're going to Radat? Be careful, okay? How to: Go to Southwindow first and visit the city hall to trigger an event.
It's just north from where Gantetsu stands. Then proceed to Radat Town and cross the bridge all the way to the other side farthest right but don't exit the the town. Take a boat on the dock below by talking to the fisherman. On the world map, just follow the river downwards and take the left branch upon reaching the area where the river forks. Do this until the party reached Banner Village. Boris Wizen 10 "What can I do for you, sonny? You want to take a walk?
Don't go too far, though. Maybe just South Window or Kuskus, okay? How to: Just head to Kuskus Town and approach the men just outside the blacksmith. It's such a nice day outside. Why don't you go for a walk? How to: Just head to Dunan Castle's entrance gate to trigger an event with Koyu. Drakemouth Village? You should run into it if you head south from Two River Lampdragon bandits and the whole Tinto principalities.
Suikoden II artwork by Ishikawa Fumi. Genso Suikogaiden Vol. Genso Suikoden Card Stories artwork by Fujitani. Suikoden IV artwork by Kawano Junko. Suikoden V artwork by Miki Sato. Pachislot Genso Suikoden artwork. This article is about the elder Viki who appears in many games of the Suikoden series. For the younger version, see Viki child. Unites 1 Heads Up! Illustration Ishikawa Fumi Gender Female. Use magic? Talk to Viki when she appears in the Great Forest and agree to take her in. Appears during your journey on the Forest Path to the Matilda Knightdom.
Agree to let her join you. Good Will Protects This character does not protect anyone. Starting Equipment Head Magic Robe. Tempura 5 Magic Ring.