This style of breathing, known as cutaneous air breathing, is similar to the mode used by amphibians. Their radial pectoral fins are elongated and protrude from their body which enables them to more easily walk on land.
The Indian Mudskipper Periophthalmus Septemradiatus along with several other species, will dig deep burrows in the soft sediment that they live among which allow the fish to regulate their body temperature, avoid marine predators during high tides when the fish and the burrow are submerged, and to lay their eggs.
The Indian Mudskipper has a grey to brownish background color which is paler towards the dorsal, and white along the ventral and throat areas. The margins of the opercles are dark, and a brown stripe runs dorsally and posteriorly up to the caudal peduncle until it turns into a row of irregular dark blotches. The two series of dark blotches form a pattern of 8 to 10 saddle like bars, and numerous small dark brown, pale red, and pale blue speckles are scattered on the snout.
The scales on the opercles have darker margins, black to dark blue with a reddish margin in males, dusky with series of dark speckles on rays and a red margin. The pectoral fins are greyish with red speckles on rays and the caudal fin is dusky with a series of dark speckles on rays.
Skip to the end of the images gallery. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Peacock Gudgeon N. G 3cm. Barramundi 7cm. Periophthalmus Sp.
Availability: Out of stock. SKU AA Notify me when this product is in stock. Mudskippers are especially fond of live crickets, small shrimp and other such foods, and these should form a large portion of their diet.
Their acrobatics when chasing live food —they often flip over in their excitement - never fail to delight me. Brackish water community tanks containing mudskippers and fiddler crabs make fascinating exhibits. The interactions between the crabs and mudskippers assuming they are properly matched in size!
If you establish a deep water area mudskippers will do okay as long as they can exit the water easily you can add such fascinating fishes as four-eyed fish, Anableps spp. In fact, archer fish are at their best in an aquarium containing a land area because in such they can show off their incredible ability to knock crickets from land into water. They will also aim water at your eye movements, so be careful! Author: Frank Indiviglio. Javascript is disabled on your browser.
To view this site, you must enable JavaScript or upgrade to a JavaScript-capable browser. Aquarium Livestock Pet Care Guides. Physical Description Mudskippers, the largest species of which reach a length of 12 inches, inhabit tidal flats, river mouths and mangrove swamps in East Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia, and along the Red Sea.