A subsequent addition to the standard, called HDMI 1. But contrary to what you may have read or been told, you don't need special "HDMI 1. HDMI Standard cables are generally sufficient for handling video with up to p or i resolutions. And don't let anyone tell you—or sell you—otherwise. Get Ratings on the go and compare while you shop.
Sign In. Become a Member. Some can have better internal wiring that ensures that there's less degradation between source and display. It does not necessarily mean more expensive, however. In fact, I'd say there's little if any correlation between price and build quality. I've used cheap cables that were well built, and expensive cables that felt cheap. If you're going to run your HDMI cable through a wall, or have it lying on the floor like I do in my otherwise pristine lab yeah, right , a strong jacket is beneficial.
For most people, though, even cheap cables will be fine. There are also downsides to "expensive" or overbuilt cables. Some manufacturers, in an attempt to make their expensive cables seem worthwhile, have thick, heavy plugs.
These are horrible, adding strain and wear to your components. There's little to prove "better built" cables will last longer, either. And even if cheap cables don't last as long, who cares?
If you think so, well, there's nothing I can do to help. Bottom line : Some HDMI cables are built better than others, but this is likely a superfluous distinction. Even if a cheap cable fails, you'll save money in the long run replacing it rather than buying an expensive cable to start. It's possible to get a bad cable, or have a cable not work with the equipment you have if you're dealing with really long distances.
The better test would be to buy another cheap cable, and see what happens. This will likely fix the problem or try one of the other methods listed here. Bottom-bottom line I don't regret calling my first article "Why all HDMI cables are the same," but boy did people take that literally. The image is either perfect, or it's not an image. Other than sparkles, there is nothing in between.
Too many people have gotten ripped off for me to stop now. Got a question for Geoff? You will be able to avail of the integrated Ethernet connectivity only if both devices that are connected using this cable are HDMI Ethernet Channel enabled. These cables are also capable of supporting newer display technologies as stipulated in the HDMI 1. This cable also features an integrated Ethernet channel capable of Mbps data transfer. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. The link is broken. Basically: is there a real difference between the various types of HDMI cables?
Fixed broken link. Its from HDMI. If you are using any of these technologies, or if you are connecting your p display to a p content source, such as a Blu-ray Disc player, this is the recommended cable.
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