The hero is none other than the valiant Lapulapu. He was one of the chiefs of Mactan Island in the Visayas. He was responsible for defeating the head of the Spanish expedition to Southeast Asia, the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan. Lapulapu and his men vanquished Magellan in the Battle of Mactan on April Earlier, the South American empires of the Maya and the Aztecs quickly fell to the Spanish conquistadors.
Greatly encouraged by easy successes, Spain subsequently set its sights on Southeast Asia. The first stop of the Spanish armada under Magellan was in our islands. Little did they know that they were in for a humiliating and crushing defeat. Eventually through divide-and-conquer, Spain was able to control most of the coastal areas and lowlands.
But not all of them. In the south in Mindanao and Sulu, these places were never really controlled by the Spaniards. In Luzon and in the Visayas, the highlands were likewise never controlled by the colonizers. What we know about Lapulapu was mostly written by those who survived or who had first hand info about the Battle of Mactan. Through psy-war, he was able to steer Magellan into attacking during low tide. This also made Magellan and his men wade a long distance in the uneven reef flats.
When Magellan finally got to the shore, Lapulapu attacked from three directions: front and flanks. This is a classic maneuver that every battle commander would dream of, and Lapulapu accomplished exactly this. To allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience please click "OK". Sign Up. Travel Guides. Videos Beyond Hollywood Hungerlust Pioneers of love.
Ronica Valdeavilla. Lapu-Lapu: Chief and warrior of Mactan. Lapu-Lapu: Legacy and untold stories. Give us feedback. Read Next View. The Henry Hotel Cebu. Citadines Cebu City. Read more: Cooking the books: how re-enactments of the Endeavour's voyage perpetuate myths of Australia's 'discovery'.
Despite these serious concerns, the Filipino approach to the era of European expansion offers a refreshing contrast to the dominant stories about Cook in Australia and New Zealand.
It is not simply adding in Indigenous voices or awarding Indigenous people co-star status on commemorative occasions. Rather, the Filipino attitude to Magellan flips colonial history on its head by focusing on Indigenous resistance.
The promise of decolonised public histories in the Pacific is not to punish, shame or settle scores. It is instead intended to help forge as-yet undreamed futures for the region that place original sovereigns at their heart.
Portsmouth Climate Festival — Portsmouth, Portsmouth. Edition: Available editions United Kingdom. Become an author Sign up as a reader Sign in. It is said in the island that the chieftain did not die or that at least nobody ever saw him die and the islanders believe he has been turned into a stone and is forever guarding the seas of Mactan.
Another popular story passed on from generation to generation of island residents says Lapu-Lapu became the statue placed on a pedestal at the center of the city plaza.
This statue faces the old City Hall building, where the mayors used to hold office, and once held a crossbow in the immortal stance of someone about to shoot an arrow at an enemy. One of the folklore about Lapu-Lapu also tells of a man forewarned about the attack. In a council with other people in the tribe over the coming battle, Lapu-Lapu reportedly took his pestle and said he was going to throw it hard and if it would go through three coconut trees then they had nothing to fear because they were going to win.
It did and the rest is history and myth. The place where Lapu-Lapu and his men triumphed over the Spanish invaders on April 27, has been turned into a shrine.