Who is logan in shake it up

Logan tries to discuss his relationship with Rocky. Sign In. Shake It Up. Comedy Family. Director Joel Zwick. Bella Thorne Zendaya Davis Cleveland.

Top credits Director Joel Zwick. See more at IMDbPro. Photos Add Image. Top cast Edit. Zendaya Rocky Blue as Rocky Blue. Matthew Glave J. Jones as J. Phil Morris Dr. Curtis Blue as Dr. See: Fogan. Cece and Logan are shocked and annoyed to find out that they will become siblings.

However, despite their rivalry, they share a few things in common, even though they get on each other's nerves. Logan Junior See: Cogan. Later, Ty seems to be jealous of Logan, because Deuce said he's cool. Later on, Flynn told Logan and Ty to try to go with it, which they accepted, and they managed to form some degree of friendship. However in Clean It Up Ty first saw Logan kissing Rocky on the cheek, this has left Ty with a negative opinion of Logan, in the said episode he dragged him away, to get him away from Rocky.

Ty is still hostile and antagonist towards Logan, an Logan is intimidated by him, due to his stress on keeping them apart. See: Tygan. Deuce even wore the clothes that Logan had been wearing the day before.

See: Deugan. The image gallery for Logan Hunter may be viewed here. Userboxes for Logan Hunter may be viewed here. Shake It Up Wiki Explore. All Relationships Photo Galleries. About us Site Policy Administrators. List of all articles Browse main cateogries. Report Abuse Forum. Admin Blogs Member Blogs.

Answers Wiki Ask a question Answered questions Unanswered questions. Create your own episodes Post your fan ficton. Portrayed by. Zendaya Maree Coleman, better known by the mononym Zendaya born September 1, is an American actress, singer, and dancer. Bella Thorne is an actress and singer. She started modeling when she was six months old, and has been a working actress her whole life. Unwilling to adhere to the rules of the Disney machine, she left after a year and a half and ventured into movies.

Category: television holiday tv. How did shake it up end? Why did Kenton Duty Leave shake it up? When did shake it up start and end?

What episode does CeCe's mom get married? I Do It Up.


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