Download Article Explore this Article Steps. Tips and Warnings. Things You'll Need. Related Articles. Author Info Last Updated: June 14, Make sure the relevant machines and crossover cable are working. To see if the cable is working, plug it into both machines. If the port lights up, then you know that it works. If it does not light up, the cord is not in working order. Get started. On both machines, go to the start menu, open the control panel and go to "Network and Internet".
Create the bridge on the host machine. Go to "Change adapter settings" on the left pane on the host machine. Two or more connections should show up. Right click one of the icons you highlighted and an options menu should come up with only "Bridge Connection". Click it and it should take a second to set up the connection. Bridge already working?
Some machines cards will automatically assign the needed network information for you. If it does, an icon on the client machine's task bar will show up with a monitor and a fork like plug showing beside it.
If the icon has a caution sign, it means that the information needs to be assigned manually. Do error checking. A new icon should show up in the window called "Network Bridge" and it should display the name of the wireless network you are connected to below "Network Bridge". If not, repeat step 3 to remove the bridge and restart the process. Access the command line.
Still on the host machine, open the start menu and in the search bar type "CMD". Open Notepad and be prepared to write down your network information. Get the machine's network information. A large list of information should show up. Table of Contents. Subscribe on YouTube! Did you enjoy this tip? We cover Windows, Mac, software and apps, and have a bunch of troubleshooting tips and how-to videos. Click the button below to subscribe! Change the Location of User Folders in Windows.
Subscribe to Help Desk Geek. Do not share my Personal Information. Please do not use more than one network connection at one time. Windows 7 On the Windows taskbar bottom, right , right-click the connection icon and select Disconnect from [connection name]. Windows Vista On the Windows taskbar bottom, right , right-click the connection icon and select Disconnect from [connection name]. Mac OS This will keep your operating system from using the disabled connection until you re-enable it.
To enable your connection, reverse the process you followed below. Consult the Help documentation of your operating system if you need assistance. If your laptop has more than one network adapter or card, you may have to disable network bridging, otherwise known as Internet connection sharing. Find your operating system and follow the instructions below.
Search the Support Center. Browse by Topic. Step 1: Disconnect or Disable Additional Network Connections Please do not use more than one network connection at one time.