Today I will discuss the meanings and usage of both these words with examples so learners of English language can understand the real difference between them and use them accordingly.
Loss as noun: The word loss is used as a noun which means the fact or process of losing something or someone. We are avoiding loss of time. Lose as verb: Lose is word that is the verb in the sentence. It has the meaning of meaning of being robbed of something and something that no longer exists. I've lost my appetite due to stress. The word loss also means to become unable to find something or someone.
Lose vs. Loss I've lost the car keys. To fail to win a game or contest is also known as lose. Loss rhymes with another noun, boss , which you can use to keep these words straight in your head. Is lost or loss correct? Both of these words are correct in their own context, but each serves a specific function. Skip to content. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills.
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Difference between: In Time and On Time 3. Difference between 'under', below', 'beneath' and 'underneath'. Remember Me. Lose, lost, loose and loss — Do you understand the difference? Do I have a problem? How do I create "Read more Most Read Blog Posts.
Example: After six months of steady dieting and exercise, I lost 25 pounds. Now I feel better than ever! Source: The Washington Post. Since lost is a verb, you might see it in other conjugations as well. The noun loss will. Lastly, lost has an additional function as an adjective.
You can describe something as being a lost cause for instance. In this case, lost is being used as an adjective to describe something that is unable to be found or hopeless. What separates these words is their grammatical function.
A loss is something that you have lost.