Who said attitude is the mind paintbrush

Feb 07, PM. Kris books view quotes. Jan 25, PM. Michael 0 books view quotes. Oct 20, AM. Edward 1 book view quotes. Oct 18, AM. Denise 82 books view quotes. Jun 24, PM. Barbara 0 books view quotes. Feb 14, PM. Hanan 14 books view quotes. Nadine 1 book view quotes.

Jan 10, AM. Winifred 0 books view quotes. Nov 12, PM. Quote in: 'Nous irons jusqu'au soleil', Delaunay; as cited in 'Futurism', ed. It can paint everything in bright, vibrant colors-creating a masterspiece. Last update June 3, John C.

Maxwell American author, speaker and pastor Think of it as translating the vision from words into pictures, of creating an image that people can carry around in their heads. It is a question of painting a picture with your words. Porras American writer Source: "Building your company's vision," , p. The attitude you give out is the same attitude you will get back.

Tags: Justin Herald. Your attitude to life is far more important in determining your happiness than your money, appearance, social status or talent. Tags: Stephanie Dowrick , happiness. Your attitude colors every aspect of your life. It is like the mind's paintbrush.

It can paint everything in bright, vibrant colors--creating a masterpiece. Or it can make everything dark and dreary. JOHN C. Tags: John C. Your attitude is like the engine that runs the car.

The more finely tuned that engine is, the better the car will run. Tags: Keith Harrell. It doesn't matter how talented, experienced, or hard-working you are--if you have a bad attitude, then your options will be limited. People with a positive attitude are influenced by what goes on within them. People with a negative attitude are influenced by what goes on around them. Tags: optimism , pessimism. Negativity sucks away energy.


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