Dec 02, PM. Niamh Anne books view quotes. Oct 31, AM. Joshua books view quotes. Oct 14, AM. Rhonda Harding 0 books view quotes. Sep 23, AM. Leonardo 60 books view quotes. Aug 20, PM. Anish 75 books view quotes. Aug 01, PM. LauZorro books view quotes. Liz books view quotes. Jul 19, AM.
Souad 82 books view quotes. Jun 20, AM. Luna books view quotes. May 31, AM. Alexandra 2, books view quotes. May 05, AM. Shailendra 0 books view quotes. Apr 19, PM. Jack books view quotes. Stary Ng 98 books view quotes. Mar 21, AM. Nida Ansari books view quotes. Mar 19, AM. Michael 0 books view quotes. Dec 18, PM. John 53 books view quotes. Oct 11, AM. Rohit 1, books view quotes. Sep 27, PM. Sep 02, PM. Ummea books view quotes. May 15, AM. Arielle books view quotes.
Apr 16, PM. Davide books view quotes. Apr 16, AM. Enosh books view quotes. Apr 10, AM. Hayley 36 books view quotes. Apr 04, AM. Anusha books view quotes. Chiara 1, books view quotes. Mar 01, AM. Mike books view quotes. Feb 27, AM.
Zarin books view quotes. Feb 22, AM. Ala 14 books view quotes. Apr 04, PM. Angela 2, books view quotes. Jan 25, PM.
Dante books view quotes. Jan 25, AM. Paresh 18 books view quotes. May 14, AM. Terri books view quotes. Mar 13, PM. Theuns 56 books view quotes. Jan 29, AM. Jen books view quotes.
Dec 01, AM. Nicole 1, books view quotes. Nov 23, PM. Victoria books view quotes. Aug 31, PM. Cal 71 books view quotes. Rochelle books view quotes. Sep 16, PM. Emily 9 books view quotes. Aug 11, PM. Kelli 54 books view quotes. Jul 02, PM. Rick 12 books view quotes. Sep 28, AM. The true punster's mind cycles through homophones in search of a quip the way small children delight in rhymes or experiment babblingly with language. Puns are a three-way circus of words: words clowning, words teetering on tightropes, words swinging from tent-tops, words thrusting their heads into the mouths of lions.
Punsters' minds work like Las Vegas one-armed bandits, with plums and cherries and oranges spinning madly upon someone's utterance, searching for the right combination to connect on a pun. People that make puns are like wanton boys that put coppers [copper pennies] on the railroad tracks. They amuse themselves and other children, but their little trick may upset a freight train of conversation for the sake of a battered witticism.
Puns are little "plays on words" that a certain breed of person loves to spring on you and then look at you in a certain self-satisfied way to indicate that he thinks that you must think he is by far the cleverest person on Earth now that Benjamin Franklin is dead. Metaphors and similes puns, too, I might add extend the dimensions and expand the possibilities of the world. When both innovative and relevant, they can wake up a reader, make him or her aware, through elasticity of verbiage, that reality—in our daily lives as well as in our stories—is less prescribed than tradition has led us to believe.