Depending on the number of documents selected, this process may take a long time since every document is opened individually.
Offers for pupils. Services for industry. DESY User. Inhalt 0: Home. Standort: 5. Introduction PDFCreator is an open source application that can create PDF files from almost any program that prints using windows printers. Select the language you would like to use and save changes.
If you need to sign a document and send it across the globe, it takes a lot of time. You can use digital signatures to speed up this process: Sign the document digitally with PDFCreator.
Auto-save allows you to have a fully automated PDF printer. It lets you skip all interaction with the application and saves the files with your predefined file name at your preferred location. Additionally, you can automate your workflow even more with the help of user tokens. By applying strict standards on what can and must be included in the PDF. PDFCreator allows to secure your documents against unauthorized access or modifications.
You can restrict access to your PDFs, require a password to open the document or restrict printing and modifying your document. Adding a digital signature adds to the security by verifying you as the author. Actions allow you to go even further.
You can add cover pages to your document, upload your files via FTP, send an e-Mail or even call your own custom script to further process the files. Depending on your settings you can save each file individually or select a default target location.
After the conversion you have the possibility to send the file by e-mail or open it for further editing. In the original document that you want to convert, click on "Print" and select the PDFCreator printer. After choosing where to save the file, your PDF will be created. To make this process even faster you can use the auto-save feature.
Select Print from the File menu 2. You will see the window below. Push the Save button. Back to the Menu Where do I get more information about this application? Push the Wait — Collect button instead of the Save button. Repeat the first 2 steps until you have all your files in the queue.
Show below. Hold down shift and select all the documents to combine.