How can i weigh ingredients without scales

On the other hand, with dry ingredients, you can easily fill the ingredients all the way to the top of the cup till it is full. For accurate measurement, it is best to slide off any excess ingredients piling at the top with a flat knife, a hard piece of paper, a spatula, etc. This way, you can get a perfect measurement of the brim of the cup.

When filling the cup with dry ingredients, you should not press onto the powder to try to harden it and get more space on top. The quantity and weight of the powder will change, especially when it is used in a mixture where the powder is then dispersed in the mixing bowl.

Instead of patting the dry ingredients down, you should just light pour or sprinkle it into the dry measuring cup you need; then lightly slide off the excess powder passing over the brim. After that, dump the powder into the mixing bowl by flipping the measuring cup and shaking it.

An important point you need to remember when pouring in liquid ingredients is that the measuring cup should always be placed on a flat surface. When you hold the cup in your hand, it will tilt slightly, and you will not be able to see the surface of the liquid be flat and line up with the measurement markings perfectly. Even if you have difficulty pouring it while it is on a flat surface, at least pour it in the cup in your hand and then place it on the kitchen counter every time to check if it reached the desired measurement mark on the cup.

If you carefully follow the above techniques to measure cake ingredients without scales , it will make your cake baking experience fruitful.

It is not required for you to buy a set of kitchen scales just for this. You can follow various loopholes without having to spend extra money or time in getting yourself some kitchen scales. The most common shot glass size is 30 ml, although 20 or 40 ml are also widely used in many countries. So, depending on your shot glass size — the liquid of two 15 ml tablespoons will fit in 30 ml glass, or two 10 ml spoons will fit in 20 ml shot.

Cups in the kitchen can come in a variety of sizes, but a standard cup can hold ml of liquid. In this case, the liquid is not completely filled to the edge of the cup, but slightly below mm. What can I do? Improve this question. JustRightMenus Sam Holder Sam Holder Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Goodbye Stack Exchange Goodbye Stack Exchange 3, 9 9 gold badges 34 34 silver badges 52 52 bronze badges.

Get out your half cup measure. I'd probably go sloppy and use a teaspoon and a half. So it turns out she doesn't have any volume measurements either, other than a measuring jug. So in the end I divided the g bag between two identical glasses, then divided one of those glasses up between 2 others to get approx g Now it seems that the cake tin doesn't seal properly anyway so I can't imagine that my cheescake is going to turn out any good anyway For Neil, a measuring jug:. Community Bot 1.

Way to innovate. Nice solution. Pro Tip: If you're looking for more recipe conversion tips, be sure to grab a copy of this free kitchen conversion chart printable! Okay, let's pretend you don't have any measuring cups or spoons handy.

What can you do? Well, you can reach for what you do have and use it as a guide! Here are a few examples:. Jot them down, print them off, do what ya gotta do! Those are just a few examples. If you have others to share, please stop by our Shelf Cooking Facebook group and fill us in on your best secrets!

This is the ultimate Swiss Army knife kind of hack. You don't anything other than your hand to guesstimate the weight of your food!

So, the next time your Airbnb doesn't have a food scale, here are some rules of thumb:. It doesn't get much easier than this method! And remember, when you're shelf cooking, you can use the recipe as a guide. Using what you have means modifying the portions, too, if you need to. So don't sweat it if you're off by an ounce or two! Here's another fun trick!

Place your food on a normal-sized dinner plate to estimate its weight. For this example, we're using a


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