The whole package. The Ultimate Hands-on Physician. I got IM which helped confirm my gut feeling i think the key is taking ur time to answer each question carefully so thanks it helped.
Did not take the test. Graduated,family practice one year solo well rounded. Hows that i like to know. My experince is that im not a good communicater which im learning my way but i had such interest in how people work there minds and daily days which got me to have a interest in kids health and science.
One of my great skills is working with my hands my mom was a skillful person which i became really skillful too working with my hands seem more interesting than my brain lol but still love learning. I wanna do Psych but it told me I should do IM. But I think I could never get over Surgery after all. I got Family Medicine and that sounds ab right for me. I got surgery but I am really passionate about psychiatry. I believe that i should just follow my heart and no this quiz.
Very interesting and fun quiz to take. I have looked everywhere and have not been able to find one. Obviously, you recognize you recognize the importance of such a test given that you created to quiz being offered here.
I think I would have been happy with just about any specialty. I took the quiz a few times because sometimes more than one answer made sense.
I got mostly IM and EM. I truthfully wanted an inpatient and outpatient practice — the ability to manage critically ill patients then follow them in the office.
I love procedures but not enough to only do them. I thought ideally pulm-cc was the perfect option but I did not understand the politics of corporate medicine or greed of private practice. Remarkably inaccurate. Never in a million years. Neil R Nickelsen D. I think its ok…i am Medical specialist actually and the resoult it was that exactly…. And cutting up people…. I think so too.
When I was in first grade I knew I wanted to be a doctor or an astronaut. I think i want to do cardiothoracic. Just to be able to hold a heart would be amazing. I want to really be a pediatric surgeon though am still 14 I have a desire and passion to treat children.
You guys are suggesting Family Medicine no way am not doing that. Great website. Wow Pediatrics again I think ur really for me but were is de surgeon afta de Pediatrics thanks a lot quiz. Cool website. Your passion in whatever u do will help u become successful and great.
So whatever u do make sure the passion and desire is there. No matter how I try to tweak my answers, I always get emergency medicine or internal medicine. So I think getting into cardiology will probably suit me. You can search specialties in fields there so many that include biology,chemistry,engineer,doctor family,surgeon,EMT,Cardio,physical, and you could make it in practice at home for example if you want to be a surgeon you can sew a banana you know imagine doing the practices or making yourself.
Hope it helps!! I just got my cosmetologist license in school which is great it was my second option of job which i love too the funny thing is that my biggest breaking thing is that im not a good talker and still got fields im interest too.
Is family medicine the default? Or have we all fallen for yet another April fools prank? Am retiring. It is difficult to look at the big picture. Might be dedicated enough to be a doctor. You love finding ways to put your passions to good use helping other people. Science and medicine excite you, as does making a difference.
If you are considering a career as a doctor, then choosing to become one might give you a focus for all of your interests. Should probably consider becoming a doctor. You're studious, dedicated, and passionate. These are all great qualities for someone, especially if that person is a doctor! As you might already know, it takes many years of study and practice to gain a MD. You have the interest and the focus to make your preparation for a career as a doctor successful. Should definitely consider becoming a doctor.
You're passionate about helping people, interested in science and medicine, and willing to study to make it happen. These are all signs that point to your potential success as a doctor. You will put in the long hours and hard work that goes into getting a MD and using your knowledge to make a difference in the world. Already a member? Log In.
Forgot your password? Not on Quizony yet? Sign up. A little I don't care how much I take because I care about if I am cured or not I am drug addicted I can make a bottle of aspiring like peanut gnaws Be a mountain hermit What do you think is the most important thing that a doctor should bring always? Medical kit, medicines and other supplies that can be used as primary aid. Related Topics. More Doctor Quizzes. Would you like to save lives? Would you prefer to be a doctor who treats the heart, the brain, children, or a plastic surgeon?
Take this quiz to see what kind of doctor you should be! Questions: 10 Attempts: Last updated: Oct 14, Sample Question. A Quiz For Doctors!
Trivia Questions. A quiz for doctors!