Ever wonder what the difference really is between organic vs. At the very core of it, there is not a large difference between the two. They look very similar and most often taste very similar, too. Organic foods typically contain the same amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals as non-organic foods. In order for a food to be labeled organic, the producer has to have the United States Department of Agriculture USDA verify their growing practices and approve all of their production methods.
Typically, foods that are organic contain fewer pesticides, fewer multi-drug resistant bacteria and no genetically modified organisms or foods. If you are concerned with how green you are being or how your actions impact the environment, organic foods have less environmental impact then non-organic foods. Additionally, organic foods have no added antibiotics, hormones or synthetic additives. However, the negatives of buying organic may outweigh the positives for many families.
What is the number one negative of buying organic? The price. On average, organic products are 47 percent more expensive than non-organic foods. This varies depending on the product and season, but if you buy organic, you are most likely going to pay quite a bit more. Another possible negative to buying organic is that you are subject to when each product is in season.
Organic apple supplies disappear from grocery stores in late winter while non-organic apples may be overflowing. Produce is one of the main foods affected by the seasons, but some organic meats and eggs may be affected as well.
For non-organic, one positive is that you can typically stretch your dollar further than with organic foods. This use of antibiotics increases the development of drug-resistant bacteria, which can be transmitted to humans, making it harder to treat infections.
Increased exposure to pesticides can lead to increased risk of ADHD and autism. It is also linked to reduced cognitive skills, ability to learn and memory. There is also a potential link between cancer and pesticides. In , the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified three common pesticides as carcinogenic.
The primary exposure in humans was through diet. Organic diets we know lead to less pesticide and antibiotic exposure, but nutritionally, they are about the same. But eating organic is an advantage since we know pesticides can lead to neurodevelopmental issues and are strongly associated with cancer.
In contrast, strawberries, spinach, grapes, apples, tomatoes and celery have high levels of pesticide residues. If you want to get the most bang for your buck on produce, frozen veggies can be cheaper than fresh, and they are very similar in quality.
Subscribe to our blog and receive notifications of new stories by email. Good Food Is Good Medicine. Enter search words Subscribe to Good Food is Good Medicine Subscribe to our blog and receive notifications of new stories by email. Please retry. Why are organic foods often so much more expensive than conventionally grown produce and meat? Is organic food more nutritious than regular food? Organic farmers may use natural pesticides approved for organic food production.
Genetically modified organisms GMOs Antibiotics or growth hormones Irradiation or ionizing radiation a way to preserve food with radiation energy Non-organic farmers may use some organic farm practices as well. Do organic foods have less pesticide residue than non-organic foods? How are organic foods regulated? How are organic foods monitored? Are organic foods more nutritious?
Do organic foods taste better? Is organic food more expensive? Bottom line Eating organic food is a personal choice. You may also be interested in: Understanding genetically modified foods Hormones and antibiotics in food production What you need to know about pesticides Facts on pasteurization Last Update — December 3, Video What is a Dietitian?