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This is a community-built gear list for Jack Johnson. Find relevant music gear like microphones, guitar rig, amplifier setup, effects pedalboard, and other instruments and add it to Jack Johnson.
The best places to look for gear usage are typically on the artist's social media, YouTube, live performance images , and interviews. To receive email updates when Jack Johnson is seen with new gear follow the artist. Add gear to Jack Johnson.
Similar artists. Donavon Frankenreiter. Brett Dennen. Matt Costa. Ben Harper. John Mayer. Trevor Hall. Citizen Cope. If you see it again it's because something has changed so please set your preferences accordingly. What type of strings for a Jack Johnson sound? Hi all, What strings would you recommend for an acoustic guitar sound similar to Jack Johnson? Even gold ones if you need a brighter sound.
I really think his tone is all in his hands though as I've seen him play several "garage sale" type acoustics that are all run-down, yet his tone still prevails. Experiment also as strings are so cheap you could just try a new pair every week for a couple months. You could also check who he sponsors.
Thanks, even though it's a bit typical gearslutz "All in the fingers" I know it, you know it.. Now, what I should have said is this: Have you ever been in a recording situation where you've tried multiple types of strings in order to optimize the recording sound of an acoustic guitar played in a way similar to Jack Johnson, and if so, what strings were the best for you that one time?
Therefore, I am open to a few suggestions that might narrow it down to brands. The pick or fingernails or whatever in use is going to have a major effect too. Fender Celluloid or Tortex probably. Then yeah the guitar and the technique of course. There are people who pick hard enough to make a Martin seem bright and others delicate enough to make a Taylor seem dull. And finally the recording and mixing chains. My Studio.
The type of guitar will make much more of a difference. And yes, unfortunately for your expectations, it IS in the fingers. A very small percentage of the tone is the brand of strings. Play around with your picking style - different picks, closer to the bridge, further, lighter pressure against the strings, heavier, etc.
Watch some of his videos closely, he finger picks a lot, and does some cool slappy things with his other fingers to keep in beat with song. Chillaxed, indeed. Johnson travels with his wife and three children.
Kim Johnson, formerly a teacher, home schools—or make that road schools—the kids when Johnson is on tour. The kids study and do homework, venture out with Mom and Dad to visit a museum or two and hit the best playgrounds in town, and then the travel-along nanny tends the kids during the evening concert. Actually, the whole band is centered. As Johnson, guitar in hand, and I cross Central Park West and begin our stroll through the park, band members and their kids are heading back to Trump Central.
Or maybe that is not precisely correct. Among the tens of thousands of people hanging in Central Park and populating nearby sidewalks, precisely three recognize Johnson. Would it be okay if someone took my picture with you? The other two are a couple who pass us walking in the opposite direction, stop, look back at us, embrace, and then approach with substantial trepidation. I again do the honors.
It makes me want to keep on doing it. It also sports a new sound in the Johnson musical lexicon: the nylon-string guitar. Almost from the first note to the last, the nylon strings are front and center. The guitar, which Johnson, leaning back against an ancient stone bridge abutment, has now pulled out of its case and is tuning, is a gorgeous koa and cedar creation built by Pepe Romero Jr.
The pull of the classical guitar world proved too strong for Pepe Jr. Johnson was home after a tour and, as is his custom, spending more time surfing than playing music. When I get home from touring, I put the thing away. I just want to surf. He breaks out a guitar only when musician friends drop in. This guitar provided the inspiration. Johnson has granted the guitar special status.