What type of terrorist are you

Examples of suspicious activity include:. It does not profile individuals who look, act, dress, or live differently than us. It strictly profiles behavior that may be linked to terrorism. Home What is Terrorism? How You Can Help Austin citizens can play a role in preventing terrorist attacks. Examples of suspicious activity include: Surveillance—Are you aware of anyone recording or monitoring activities, taking notes, using cameras, maps, binoculars, etc.

Call For more detailed information about terrorist attacks, consult the extensive resources at: FEMA. Download Emergency Tips. Emergency Safety Tips. Copyright The City of New York. Contact Us. Privacy Policy. I went back to working for the UN again for the counter-terrorism implementation task force for about three years, then another three years working for the European Union back in Baghdad, with the Iraqi office and the National Security Adviser during the rise of ISIS.

I vividly remember coming out at the end of the session, very focused on the witness. Somebody told me what had happened. Then things kind of went into overdrive because my wife and son were actually flying out of Boston that morning to New York.

So the immediate panic was which flight had crashed into the towers. The next moment of panic is my brother-in-law is a New York City firefighter. And we were very early on hearing about the loss of two to three-hundred New York firefighters. My in-laws live in lower Manhattan, so then there was the concern about where they were. And the cell phones were down.

It took me about five hours to finally get through to the United States. I got on one of the first flights back to the US. I remember seeing the smoking ruins from the plane as we came in to land at JFK, and then I remember, I had to go through multiple military checkpoints [to move down to the area where my in-laws lived]. So yeah, very, very close to home, very visceral. Did you immediately feel you needed to engage with what had happened or did that come later through other developments in your career?

And quite a difficult one to answer. And so there was something about the Nairobi bombing that made me think we were about to face a new challenge and that it was really serious.

That was the moment where I did think about going back. But we rolled pretty quickly from that into Iraq. It was [my] experience of six months in Iraq, watching us alienate the Iraqi population, on an almost daily basis that changed the way I thought about things. I sat down to try and think, what historical lessons there were, that illuminated the experience that I had been through in Iraq, and whether or not there were some patterns of good responses and bad responses, that one could tease out of the historical record that could inform better policy responses.

I went back and 15 years reading and researching every terrorist campaign I could find out about, to see if I could disprove that concept. Terrorists learn from each other, they set out to learn as much as they can from previous terrorist organisations experience.

If you look at every terrorist campaign, they revolve around six core themes. The idea that propaganda by deed, that the targets you choose, and the types of attacks that you mount, you communicate your message, and your intent. It must also be for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause. It is important to note that in order to be convicted of a terrorism offence a person doesn't actually have to commit what could be considered a terrorist attack.

Planning, assisting and even collecting information on how to commit terrorist acts are all crimes under British terrorism legislation. Terrorism crimes and terrorist-related offences are subject to the criminal justice system in the same way as all other crimes. The SCCTD deals with all terrorism, war crimes and crimes against humanity, official secrets and incitement to hatred cases. In one case the trial was not concluded due to the death of the defendant and, in the remaining 9 cases, the defendant was found not guilty.

The fall is partly due to a relatively large number of arrests in the previous reporting year in the wake of terrorist attacks in London and Manchester. Although the number of arrests has fallen, it is still relatively high when compared with other recent years.

Our prosecutors work closely with the police to advise on arrests and provide early investigative advice on ongoing operations.

It brings together intelligence, operations and investigations functions. Where appropriate, offences can be charged as having 'a terrorist connection'. This can lead to some confusion about whether the person convicted is deemed a terrorist as they are not charged with an offence under terrorism legislation. Schedule 2 of Counter-Terrorism Act contains a list of offences which a judge could conclude have 'a terrorist connection'. These include charges such as murder or causing an explosion.

In all of these cases those convicted are considered terrorists, because even though they are covered by different legislation than the Terrorism Acts, the crimes committed clearly had terrorist aims. Section 30 of Counter-Terrorism Act imposes special custodial sentences for offenders of particular concern who have committed offences under Schedule 2. Certain serious violent and terrorist offenders will not be entitled to automatic release at the half way point of their sentence and will only be released early if they do not present a risk to the public.

In recent years a number of offences and powers have been designed to counter the activities of terrorists. Before their creation these had not been addressed by permanent legislation. Section 5 makes it an offence for a person to engage in the preparation of acts of terrorism, or to assist others in preparation of acts of terrorism. This includes attempts. It is an offence which requires proof that an individual had a specific intent to commit an act or acts of terrorism and can encompass a wide range of different levels of criminality, from a minor role in relation to intended acts all the way through to the planning of multiple murders.

The maximum sentence in respect of section 5 is a sentence of imprisonment for life.


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