We're now tracking the sentiment around every mention of Niece day to show how people feel about Niece. See if people like Niece here. We're detecting how Niece affects other things more widely than just being a celebrated day. See how Niece affects company share prices. Yes, this is strangely enough entirely possible. The date shown for National Niece Day can change, if for instance several hundred people tweeted about Niece Day in early April, then in May a few thousand people tweeted about Niece day, then the date shown for National Niece Day, could come up twice :D.
It's Niece Day On February 4th. Get our 'daily day' widget. Copy the code below to show today's day automatically on your site. For any media or sponsorship queries, please contact info whatnationaldayisit. This Site Uses Cookies. We've Added New Words! Think about it: we can refer to moms and dads as parents and brothers and sisters as siblings. Each word can also be used in the singular to refer to such a relative without specifying their gender—which is also the case for cousin.
But what about aunts and uncles—or their counterparts, nieces and nephews? Not only that, these terms are great examples of gender-neutral and gender-inclusive language that can make it easier to refer to and address the relatives we love—regardless of their gender.
Many languages have specific words for aunts or uncles depending on what side of the family they come from. Similar distinctions exist in many other languages, including Tamil and Ukrainian. When it comes to referring to a mixed group of aunts and uncles like we can do with parents or siblings when referring to those relatives , the language is far from settled. That said, one term that has become increasingly popular is pibling.
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