Thanks for helping us keep our content updated and accurate. Please let us know what is incorrect and be as specific as possible. We may reach out to you via email if we need more information. Steel Pan Jazz Festival Photo: adpowers. Queen's Royal College.
The Trinidad and Tobago Steel Pan and Jazz Festival is a mix of musical influences with the central theme being the steel pan instrument. Have an issue with this listing? Report it here. Similar Events trinidad and tobago. Shouter Baptist Liberation Day. Carib Santa Rosa Festival. Trinidad and Tobago Independence Day.
Already have an account? Sign In. On April 25 and 26, patrons will get a rare glimpse at the art of Tobagonian goat racing. With headlining international superstar, Trey Songz, this event features a variety of genres from an array of artists.
For more information on ticket sales and event details call or visit www. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content The Tobago House of Assembly THA is hosting the 3 rd Annual Jazz Experience from April 23 through May 1, , including an eclectic mix of local, regional and international artists performing at various events throughout the island.
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