The power company uses huge generators which are generally turned by steam turbines. Jaime won the race, because he ran quickly. This fence was installed sloppily. It needs to be redone. Some examples, where again the adverb is in bold and the words modified are in italics: Suzanne sang loudly loudly modifies the verb sang , indicating the manner of singing We left it here here modifies the verb phrase left it , indicating place I worked yesterday yesterday modifies the verb worked , indicating time He undoubtedly did it undoubtedly modifies the verb phrase did it , indicating certainty You often make mistakes often modifies the verb phrase make mistakes , indicating frequency They can also modify noun phrases, prepositional phrases, or whole clauses or sentences, as in the following examples.
I bought only the fruit only modifies the noun phrase the fruit Roberto drove us almost to the station almost modifies the prepositional phrase to the station Certainly we need to act certainly modifies the sentence as a whole Practice Identify the adverbs in these paragraphs: Mass extinctions are insanely catastrophic—but important—events that punctuate the history of life on Earth.
Show Answer There are five adverbs in the paragraphs: insanely; originally; subsequently; really; poorly Here the adverbs have been bolded: Mass extinctions are insanely catastrophic—but important—events that punctuate the history of life on Earth. Very Some people are of the opinion that the words very and really indicate weak writing.
Practice Read the following questions and turn them into statements using relative adverbs: Where did Nina last see her keys? When are the repairmen going to get here? Why did the desk just collapse? Licenses and Attributions. A noun with a genitive ending, like the Modern English 's , is used as an adjective to modify another noun. In the sentence "Alfred's sword was old," " Alfred's " is a genitive: a noun Alfred has had the genitive ending 's added to it.
A good rule of thumb for dealing with the genitive is to translate it as "of X" where "X" is the noun that has the genitive ending.
Thus "Alfred's sword" could be translated as "the sword of Alfred. The above description of word functions is radically simplified, but it should be enough to explain the concepts in the grammar and get you translating Old English as soon as possible. The important point to remember is that we will need to use certain orders of words or put certain endings on words in order to indicate what roles they are playing in a sentence.
We will go over these concepts in more detail in the following sections, but first take a few moments to practice identifying the word functions in the exercises. Click here for some exercises to practice recognizing the parts of speech.
Chapter 5: Grammar Concepts: Word Functions Word Functions Now that you've re-familiarized yourself with the various parts of speech, we need to discuss the ways in which these parts are put together to make meaningful sentences. When we speak or write, we don't just put the words down on the page at random: dog cat towards ran quickly brown black.
Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs give us important information required for understanding. While nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are the most important content words, there are a few other words that are also key to understanding. These include negatives like no, not and never; demonstrative pronouns including this, that, these and those; and question words like what, where, when, how and why. Function words help us connect important information.
Function words are important for understanding, but they add little meaning beyond defining the relationship between two words. Function words include auxiliary verbs , prepositions, articles, conjunctions, and pronouns. Auxiliary verbs are used to establish the tense, prepositions show relationships in time and space, articles show us something that is specific or one of many, and pronouns refer to other nouns.
Knowing the difference between content and functions words is important because content words are stressed in conversation in English. Function words are non-stressed. In other words, function words are not emphasized in speech, while content words are highlighted. Knowing the difference between content and function words can help you in understanding, and, most importantly, in pronunciation skills.
Decide which words are function and content words in the following sentences. Check your answers below:. Exercise Answers. Content words are in bold. Actively scan device characteristics for identification.
Use precise geolocation data. Select personalised content.