Lucky for the team at HZO, living a waterproof and corrosion-resistant product life can be a reality as employees are occasionally issued coated devices, such as phones, for testing. When applied efficiently during the manufacturing process, our organic Guardian Series coating is a pinhole-free barrier that offers complete protection, no matter the application or market.
Help your customers eliminate the stress of device failure by stopping it before it starts. Click here to start the conversation. View all posts by hzodev Website. March 2, The water does not automatically destroy devices, but it can trigger problems. Even if your electronic device survives a water incident there is a chance of problems in the future.
Water can cause corrosion , a chemical reaction, with metal and the circuit board. Electronics can often function with some corrosion, but you may notice issues or complete failure over time. If your electronic device comes in contact with water the first thing you want to do is safely separate the water and the device.
That's because most of them were never designed to withstand exposure to water. Water damages metals by speeding up their oxidation process, which normally occurs much more slowly in air. If the water contains impurities such as salts, that oxidation can happen even more quickly. As electrical conductors inside wet appliances and electronics start to corrode, they lose their ability to carry electrical currents.
As conductors build up more corrosion they can eventually become hot enough to ignite surrounding material and cause a fire. Some electronic equipment such as newer model computers and mobile phones are capable of keeping water out and away from electrical components.
Depending on the device, here's how to recognize water damage in other equipment:. If you're unsure how high the water level rose during a storm or flood, look for a water line on the appliance. It can help determine if internal components were affected.
Join , subscribers and get a daily digest of news, geek trivia, and our feature articles. By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. How exactly did the water do all that damage? These ions can link together to form a chain of sorts, and if lucky enough, both ends of that chain can make a connection between two different contact points within the phone.
Technically, you could turn off your phone, soak it in water, let it dry completely, turn your phone back on, and it would still perform like nothing happened other than the water detection markers turning red.
Theoretically, nothing bad would happen, as there are no ions to create a path for electricity and cause a short circuit. However, if you place it in regular tap water where ions are present, the sensor would then trip and sound.
Corrosion is nothing more than the result of a chemical reaction between the metal on a circuit board and whatever it comes into contact with—in this case, water and its minerals and impurities.
The very first thing you need to do after your phone takes a swim is to completely shut it down as quickly as possible to prevent it short circuiting.
After that, remove anything from the phone that can be removed, like the case, sim card tray, the battery cover, and the battery if possible. This can allow trapped water to escape and make the drying process a bit easier. From there, do whatever you have to do to get as much water out as possible—blow into it, shake it all around, anything. Your best option, though, is to disassemble your phone if you can. Browse All iPhone Articles Browse All Mac Articles Do I need one?
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